RaccoonBlog new features

time to read 2 min | 335 words

Working on RaccoonBlog is like therapy, it is simple, it is fun and there isn’t a lot of thinking involved. We recently did a bunch of new features that I just pushed. None of the feature is earth shattering, but each is improving the blog somewhat in fun ways.

RSS Feeds per categories:


Post and comments count:


The number shocked me, actually. And yes, there will be a post about this.

Per post comments feed


If you like keeping track on the comments of a particular post, you can now do so very easily.

Global comments feed


If you care to track all comments on all the posts, you can do that as well. And yes, I’ll post on that as well.

Social Login


One of the things that I hate is the need to login all the time. We remember those details by default, but it is still annoying. I hope that this would be useful to you too.

How far do you have to wait?
