It's the asking that counts
Today I'd twice began writing a question to Boo's mailing list, after fighting with the code for several hours (each time), only to realize that I already know the answer.
To be rather exact, it was to process of formulating the problem so other people could understand it was what mattered, the moment that I did that I suddenly had an insight to the problem at hand.
I spend a log of time lately smacking my forehead because I brute force my way through something only to figure out a much simpler way to do it. I'm currently trying to add inherited ast attributes* to Boo, which would pave the way to implementing desing by contract.
I wrote less than 250 lines of code in nearly two days, but I've got it 90% implemented. The low line count is mainly because I keep finding better and clearer way to do what I need. And because I try to learn as I go the internal of Boo's compiler. It's actually fun to do so and I'm certain that eventually I will get to the point where I can just see the way it's all suppose to happens.
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