NHibernate trickery: what happened to my associations?

time to read 4 min | 737 words

I usually post things of moderate difficulty, let us see if you can not only figure this one out, but where that bug exists.

Given the following class & mapping:

public class User
    public virtual string Username { get; set; }
    public virtual ICollection<string> AllowedPaths { get; set; }

    public User()
        AllowedPaths = new HashSet<string>();

class name="User" table="Users"> <id name="Username"> <generator class="assigned"/> </id> <set name="AllowedPaths" table="UsersAllowPaths"> <key column="`User`" not-null="true"/> <element column="Path" type="System.String" not-null="true"/> </set> </class>

I have the following code:

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        Configuration configuration = new Configuration().Configure("nhibernate.config");
        ISessionFactory sessionFactory = configuration.BuildSessionFactory();
        new SchemaExport(configuration).Create(true, true);

        using (ISession s = sessionFactory.OpenSession())
        using (ITransaction tx = s.BeginTransaction())
            s.Save(new User
                Username = "ayende",
                AllowedPaths = {"/users", "/meetings"}


        using (ISession s = sessionFactory.OpenSession())
        using (ITransaction tx = s.BeginTransaction())
            var user = s.Get<User>("Ayende");
            Console.WriteLine("Found user {0}", user.Username);
            Console.WriteLine("Allowed paths:");
            foreach (string allowedPath in user.AllowedPaths)
                Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", allowedPath);


First, and without running the code!

  • What is the expected output?
  • Am I doing something wrong here?

Then, run the code, and answer them again.

You can download the project here: http://github.com/ayende/NHibernate-Challanges, sub folder TrickyBug