As I said, EasyMock.Net looks pretty impressive, but it still has a very strong Java background, meaning javadoc comments, all caps enumerations, etc. First things first, I needed to .Net it. I am constantly surprised by how wrong a feeling a different coding style can give me.
- Renamed ArgumentsMatcher => IArgumentsMatcher
- Converted Javadoc comments to C#'s XML Comments - highly tedious process.
- Replaced Boolean => bool
- Replaced String => string
- Replaced Object => object
- Removed /*sealed*/ comment
- Removed useless cataches
- Replaced Throwable with Exception
- Replaced ALL_CAPS with CamelCasing for variables & enumerations
- Replaced MockControl's ONE with Once, ONE_OR_MORE with MoreThanOnce and ZERO_OR_MORE with Any
This is enough for now to give it far more dotNetty feeling than an imported Java library. Things that I want to do with it:
- Adding an easy way to add constraints.
- Allow to chain expectation.
More will follow, probably :-)
Interesting tidbit, a developer that asked whatever the project was still alive got the project assigned to him. :-)
More posts in "EasyMock.Net" series:
- (14 Jun 2005) An Ah-HA moment, and more ReSharper glory
- (14 Jun 2005) dotNetified
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