Just had one looking at the tests*; one minute I couldn't get what they were trying to do, and the second I got it and it was like: "This is so smart!"
Me and ReSharper and going through the code with an pickaxe and venegence in our eyes. I'm devoted user of ReSharper for a long time, and I can't believe how easy it is to do refactorying. It's like having an army of little coders that runs and do what I want, mostly without concious thought. This tool is smart. I'm making countless changes to the code, the code compiles, the tests pass, and I don't have to do anything more than will it.
One strange thing, I keep bumping into code like this:
public override int GetHashCode()
throw new NotImplementedException("GetHashCode() is not implemented");
Anyone can think of a reason to do that?
* This is the first time I'd to read other people's tests, I'm starting to get why XP is so keen of them.