Commercial Support for NHibernate
One of the oft repeated objections to using NHibernate is that there isn’t someone that you can officially complain to. Some organizations put great store in having someone to officially complain to :-).
The NHibernate community, especially the NHibernate Users mailing list is active and thriving, and a large percentage of the support questions that you may have can be answered there, for free.
However, there are situations where you really do want to have someone to call to get you out of the foxhole. And there are organizations that will not accept a technology unless they have a support contract.
I mentioned before that my company is providing commercial NHibernate support, but so far it has always been on a case by case basis, and mostly by request. I am happy to announce that we are now offering a Commercial Support option for NHibernate.
If that has been a challenge for adopting NHibernate, or if you find yourself struggling with NHibernate and require assistance beyond what the community will provide, you have additional options.
3 days response time isn't too hot, but this is a good idea.
3 days isn't what you'll usually get, but that is what we are willing to commit to
anyone that has dealt with Microsoft support can tell you that it's a joke. Takes you about a week to find someone that isn't useless and just reading a script. 3 days is not a big deal.
I'm happy someone is providing support, even though I think the idea of 'support' is sometimes a joke because in my experience they will just tell you the work around that you already found... 2 weeks later after working it through with them.
Well the difference between MS products and NH is that with NH, when the problem you experience is the fault of something in the NH code, it can be fixed (either by you or by the support you pay for). And then you have no need to use the workaround.
BTW Ayende did you actualy name your company "Hibernating Rhinos"? Cool name!
Yes, I did.
It is a cool name, but it is a hell on earth to get on paperwork in Israel. I keep getting blank stares.
I took to just handing them a paper with the name in English, to keep it simple
There is nothing wrong with making money off of OSS if people are willing to pay. In this case they will be getting first class service. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out for you Oren. Most likely this will be a good thing for all involved.
Ayende, this is great and it's good to know that it's available if we should need it. God knows we've lusted after this once in a while. But we got through without it every time, at the expense of time and loss of hair that is :-)
Anyway, it surprises me that your pricing is in Euro. I should have expected it to be US Dollar. Does this mean you expect most of your business to come from European customers ?
My guess would be a more stable Euro :)
Good idea. If I were to sell this to my management, I might want to show them some credentials. I'm sold, but maybe a company bio on this page would be beneficial? Also, what about a one-off support call option?
The Euro is table, the USD is not. I got tired of seeing my money's value goes down.
NH Prof is priced in Euro for the same reason.
There is a one off support call, it is called ad hoc, it is in the bottom of the list.
As for credentials, I think I have them :-)
For a bio, check
Why does the NHProf site have to be so hostile to IE6? Not everyone has a choice of which browser and version they can use.
Because the cost of actually supporting IE6 is non trivial.
I decided that if I could improve NH Prof itself or subject myself to IE6 idiocincracies, I would rather improve NH Prof.
This is a great option. Will help to convince Corporations more.
Regarding IE6, if someone comes to NHProf using IE6, it's got be either that person is not serious enough or he is stupid not to use FireFox or upgrade IE :). So in either case, you don't need that customer(may have to spend more time on supporting him).
There are places where IE6 is the default (and only) choice. It reflect nothing about the actual person doing the browsing.
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