A web server in 30 lines of code
Just found myself writing that, and it was amusing.
import System.Net import System.IO if argv.Length != 2: print "You must pass [prefix] [path] as parameters" return prefix = argv[0] path = argv[1] if not Directory.Exists(path): print "Could not find ${path}" return listener = HttpListener() listener.Prefixes.Add(prefix) listener.Start() while true: context = listener.GetContext() file = Path.GetFileName(context.Request.RawUrl) fullPath = Path.Combine(path, file) if File.Exists(fullPath): context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition","attachment; filename=${file}") bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(fullPath) context.Response.OutputStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length) context.Response.OutputStream.Flush() context.Response.Close() else: context.Response.StatusCode = 404 context.Response.Close()
Wow, let's benchmark! Instead of switching to IIS7 we should use this :)
the altdotnet style :)
But, what happens if you pass something like:
Sorry, couldn't resist ;-)
Well, did you note
That will stop those attacks
Oh, you're right. I missed that somehow. I read something like:
fullPath = Path.Combine(path, context.Request.RawUrl)
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