Open source tree diagramming control for .NET
As I've posted before, the Lithium control is very interesting. Appernatly other people are starting to take notice of it as well. The Lithium control is a lite version of the Netron Graph Library, which has some really cool features.
I made some modifications to the Lithium control to those that want to use that and not the full control. They make it easier to extend the control and push it beyond the demonstration status.
The changes that I made are:
- Changed the way the tree layout and the connection layout are handled to use the Strategy pattern.
- Layouts:
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- Reversed Horizontal
- Reversed Vertical
- Tree
- Reversed Tree
- Connections:
- Default
- Traditional
- Bezier
The modified code is here. It has been a pleasure to work with it.
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