Boo trick: Even Nicer Hash Literals

time to read 2 min | 346 words

Boo has the concept of Has Literals, and it can really make a difference in a lot of cases. It makes some things possible to write. Even leaving aside common things like dictionaries constants, consider this signature:

public void Configure(IDictionary options)
	// do work

In Boo, I can call this method like this:

	"connection_string": 	"data source...",
	"batch_size":		15
//	etc

This  is much clearer than the C# option, but we can do better.

public class UnknownHashLiteralKeyToStringLiteral : ProcessMethodBodiesWithDuckTyping
	public override void OnReferenceExpression(ReferenceExpression node)
		IEntity entity = NameResolutionService.Resolve(node.Name);
		//search for the left side of a key in a hash literal expression
		if (node.ParentNode is ExpressionPair 
                && ((ExpressionPair) node.ParentNode).First == node
                && node.ParentNode.ParentNode is HashLiteralExpression)
                	ExpressionPair parent = (ExpressionPair) node.ParentNode;
	                StringLiteralExpression literal = CodeBuilder.CreateStringLiteral(node.Name);
	                parent.First = literal;
	                parent.Replace(node, literal);

Now, we have to register it in the compiler:

    new UnknownHashLiteralKeyToStringLiteral());

Now, we can write this kind of code:

	connection_string: 	"data source...",
	batch_size:		15
//	etc

It make the syntax much clearer, and it make quite a bit of a difference in the clarify of the code. I am going to put it into Brail, MonoRail has quite a few of methods that takes dictionaries, and it would make the syntax even nicer.