Boo trick: Even Nicer Hash Literals
Boo has the concept of Has Literals, and it can really make a difference in a lot of cases. It makes some things possible to write. Even leaving aside common things like dictionaries constants, consider this signature:
public void Configure(IDictionary options) { // do work }
In Boo, I can call this method like this:
config.Configure({ "connection_string": "data source...", "batch_size": 15 // etc })
This is much clearer than the C# option, but we can do better.
public class UnknownHashLiteralKeyToStringLiteral : ProcessMethodBodiesWithDuckTyping { public override void OnReferenceExpression(ReferenceExpression node) { IEntity entity = NameResolutionService.Resolve(node.Name); //search for the left side of a key in a hash literal expression if (node.ParentNode is ExpressionPair && ((ExpressionPair) node.ParentNode).First == node && node.ParentNode.ParentNode is HashLiteralExpression) { ExpressionPair parent = (ExpressionPair) node.ParentNode; StringLiteralExpression literal = CodeBuilder.CreateStringLiteral(node.Name); parent.First = literal; parent.Replace(node, literal); return; } base.OnReferenceExpression(node); } }
Now, we have to register it in the compiler:
compiler.Parameters.Pipeline.Replace( typeof(ProcessMethodBodiesWithDuckTyping), new UnknownHashLiteralKeyToStringLiteral());
Now, we can write this kind of code:
config.Configure({ connection_string: "data source...", batch_size: 15 // etc })
It make the syntax much clearer, and it make quite a bit of a difference in the clarify of the code. I am going to put it into Brail, MonoRail has quite a few of methods that takes dictionaries, and it would make the syntax even nicer.
I thought we could do this already with Brail. This is how I pass configurations to ViewComponents, no?
Nice trick! Reminds me or the Ruby style literals which I agree make for much more readable code...
class customer
has_one :account
mas_many :orders
I'd like to try Boo out, would you recommend it for use in commercial projects at this stage?
Almost, you can do this:
component Grid, {@source: users}
I don't like the @ in the middle of it.
Tobin, yes, that is what I was aiming for.
And yes, I would have little issue in using this for production. The IDE is #Develop, which isn't as polished as VS, but I find that the language more than make up for it.
Have you opened a JIRA wish for inclusion of this handy trick in boo? :)
Darn cool.... I wonder NVelocity can get something similar.... currently its:
I always come across missing literal errors :( could be my poor typing...
No, should I?
There is a chance of collision if you have:
foo = "bar"
hash = { foo: "fubar" }
What should the value be?
You lurked me a lot on this :( too bad its not real yet.
For the question you ask, I think you might follow what ruby has done.
:foo =>:fubar, cleanest and distinguish between variable and string literal
(You dont even need =>, make it = is good enough)
The issue is with the language support, mainly.
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