Patterns Indicators
Not really liking the name of this post, but...
A lot of people are familiar with GoF book, and quite a few people actually take pride in being able to use design patterns. One of the more horrifying indicators for trouble you can get is someone having the GoF book on their table, opened:
Right now, I consider the GoF book an essential part of the tools that I have in my toolkit, but knowing the GoF patterns is no longer an good indicator for quality, it is usually a sign of "I am following the herd, and design patterns are supposed to be cool..."
Something that I look at far more favorablely is the Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture book:
This take the concept of design patterns and move them from the class level to the application level, and that is much more meaningful conversation when you are thinking about applications now.
Good point, I rarely seem to use some of the GoF patterns but the PEAA ones are getting used here a lot (currently it's sat on my desk).
Oddly it's hard book to read unless you need it at which point the patterns start to make sense, it's a lot easier to pass someone the book and point them at the identity mapper stuff when you need them to implement one.
At one job a few years ago, there was a guy who named his classes after GOF patterns. This was even more scary since he was the project lead. So we had a mediator, adapters, etc. He didn't really want us to look at the GOF book either. The puzzling thing was that he HATED interfaces, and refused to acknowledge their value, even in a plug-in architecture, as he preferred a base class (not an abstract one either).
Well, ... I have both books and I do use the GOF book quite a bit more than PEAA because I don't don't tend to create enterprise architectures as much as I create other types of targeted solutions. I've been referring back to the GOF book since it was published.
I also have read "The timeless Way of Building" by Alexander as to understand the roots of pattern thought in software.
I'm not ashamed but proud to have GOF open on my desk from time to time.
Wow, that is so weird.
I bought that book like yesterday (I wasn't going to specifically buy it, just browse around), and it's sitting next to me now. And I have to admit, there's alot of concepts to digest :-).
I worked with a guy with similar practice. Interfaces were "slow" and must not be used.
You seem to have a lot more balanced view on patterns than the guys that I was talking about.
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