Patterns Indicators

time to read 1 min | 190 words

Not really liking the name of this post, but...

A lot of people are familiar with GoF book, and quite a few people actually take pride in being able to use design patterns. One of the more horrifying indicators for trouble you can get is someone having the GoF book on their table, opened:


Right now, I consider the GoF book an essential part of the tools that I have in my toolkit, but knowing the GoF patterns is no longer an good indicator for quality, it is usually a sign of "I am following the herd, and design patterns are supposed to be cool..."

Something that I look at far more favorablely is the Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture book:

This take the concept of design patterns and move them from the class level to the application level, and that is much more meaningful conversation when you are thinking about applications now.