Best Quotes From DevTeach Final Evening
So after the conference ended, about 25 of us (speakers and attendees) had headed for a dinner, and then we came back to the hotel and sat on the pub, then we migrated downward to get for music (Carl Franklin and Mathew can't-recall-last-name were amazing, and Roy had amazing songs).
All of that took roughly 10 hours of just being with the guys, and it produced some really great quotes. You are probably not going to figure some of this out, but I am going to post it anyway.
- MS-Jews 1.0 Beta
- Scott Bellware - "I am trying to work here!"
- Beer Driven Behavior
- Rhino Bitch
- Smrufitecture
- Drunk Driven Design
- What does a guy like you does in a blog like this?
- Ghost porn? No! Goat porn!
- So two years ago, when INETA was relevant... What is INETA?
- The Doh! MVP
- Half a Bambi
- throw new OksanaException("You didn't tell me what Triangulafocation is!");
That is just what I can remember right now, there were a lot more, but I forgot them :-( The pictures didn't hit Flickr yet, so I am waiting for that.
Hell of a good time!
What's the context of the first quote? Are Jews being blamed for MS' screwups too?
What happens on DevTeach, stays in DevTeach :-)
But no, that isn't like that at all.
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