Reflectoring && Learning
I had a few discussions recently with Roy Osherove, about learning WPF. Roy is a fun of Petzold book about it, mainly because it goes through all the API and explain their usage in depth. I haven't read that book, but I am currently going through Adam Nathan's book about WPF, and I am enjoying it very much.
From Roy's perspective, Adam's book is too high level, not giving all the details that Roy feels he should know in order to be a great WPF developer. I don't agree with that approach, personally. I like Adam's book because it talks about the concepts, and it has just enough low level details so I can grasp the how without getting lost in the details.
I am certain that there are certain depths and pitalls that Adam's book doesn't cover, and Petzlod's book does, but I don't learn that way. I want a book to learn the high level stuff, the model, and then I can start working with the technology. Frankly, I can figure out stuff much easier on Reflector than from a book, and that is the kind of learning that sticks.
Then again, I am the guy that learned the Page LifeCycle model by going through System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain on reflector, cursing all the way.
Roy's approach is more structured, I think, but my way allows me to just grasp how things works, and then I can do the rest on the job. It works for building applications that uses this stuff, but probably not if you want to go deeper into this.
Just nitpicking but there is a typo in your title.
Is there anyway to learn the Page Life Cycle that doesn't involve cursing all the way? :-)
Nope, that is a by design feature, I am afraid.
I did the same thing re: Reflector and cursing the Page Life Cycle.
Notice how many exceptional cases it handles that can mess up simplistic assumptions about sequencing?
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