By foul moon

time to read 10 min | 1942 words

Because I know that I will need it...

# Not very accurate, but apperantly good enough for most purposes

# source:

def IsFullMoon(dateToCheck as date):

      two_digit_year as decimal = dateToCheck.Year - ((dateToCheck.Year/100)*100)

      remainder as decimal = two_digit_year %19

      if remainder > 9:

            remainder -= 19;

      phase as decimal = (remainder * 11) %30

      if dateToCheck.Month == 1:


      elif dateToCheck.Month == 2:



            phase+= dateToCheck.Month


      if dateToCheck.Year < 2000:

            phase -= 4


            phase -= 8.3

      phase = phase % 30

      return 14.5 < phase and phase < 15.5

Expected usage:

if IsFullMoon(DateTime.Now):

      raise SqlException("""Transaction (Process ID 179) was deadlocked on lock resources with another
process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction."""

Update: I am still struggling with the code for WasChickenSacrifised(), will be glad to get suggestions...