Looking for more podcasts / audio books
I have a way too long commute, and I usually spend it by listening to podcasts. At the moment I am listening to:
- DotNetRocks
- Hanselminutes
- Bits Of Sillicon Hell
- Developer Night in Canada (although it is dormant for a long time)
- Code Sermon
- FLOSS Weekly
- Mondays
- Polymorphic Podcast
- Security Now
- Software Engineering Radio
- This Week in Tech
- Web Dev Radio
- Windows Weekly
This looks like a big list, but most of those shows are not on a regular basis, so it usually means that I have about 6 - 8 hours a week covered, and I really need more.
I also listened to the Hitchhiker Guide To The Galaxy as an audo book, and that was fun (and long). My taste run to fantasy/SciFi (and I haven't even began to look), obviously it have to be MP3 format, which I assume make it more difficult.
Any recommendations?
I have a long commute too. :( It took me several months to listen to The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. It is a Fantasy series.
What about Ron Jacobs Podcasts?
Since 2005, Ron Jacobs has been interviewing architects around the globe.
Mark Monster
Good list. I'll have to check out some of these. A couple that I listen to are:
ARCast with Ron Jacobs (http://channel9.msdn.com/shows/ARCast_with_Ron_Jacobs). I tend to pick and choose as there are quite a few.
7th Son: http://www.jchutchins.net/7Son/Home/Home.html
Way too addictive podiobook.
Bob Payne's Agile Toolkit podcast is excellent.
The Wheel Of Time is not an option. I am addict to it. Just to give you an idea, I finished the last book in two days.
AR Cast is frankly boring to me. I don't care to listen to a lot of stuff about architecture and SOA just to hear the occasional gem.
There are some good stuff, but most of it is way too high level to be of any interest.
Ayende Rahien is a pharse that is taken from the Wheel of Time.
I'll check the 7th son, thanks.
Subscribed, thanks.
ASP.NET Podcast (Wally McClure et. al.)
Jon Udell (has always been interesting, but especially now that he's working at Microsoft I'm really following what he's doing).
I have way too long a commute too! I find that mixing up your commuting entertainment is essential... I highly recommend a nintendo ds or psp... actually, since you're listening to books and not reading books, maybe you are driving? Playing video games may not be such a good idea in that case... Have you read the Ender Series (err, listened)? Music is fun too :)
The ASP.Net podcast is nice, but they do a lot of video stuff that doesn't translate well to audio.
For some reason I get the image of "Level 60!" from south park.
Yeah, I am driving to work, so that is basically out.
Try LOTR Radio Seris by BBC:
How about Cringley's back-issues? http://www.pbs.org/cringely/nerdtv/ I listened to them all in audio format, and they were quite good. I think the next season is set to start soon.
Oren, what does "Ayende Rahien" mean? Something golden?
It has been a while since I read WOT, and I'm refusing to go back till Jordan finishes the damn thing.....
Anyway, ARCast is highly recommended.
There are also:
Ayende - Freedom
Rahien - Dawn
I was 17.
Thanks for the recommendation
Great story, thanks. A rare web jewel:)Always search the web for smth interesting, including cool music jazz mp3 is a site where one can compile perfect playlists. A cushy spot for a music addict
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