Ad Blind
Today I went to, I wanted to install FireBug at a co-worker computer.
I couldn't find the download link, and I looked for two whole minutes before I finally saw this:
It was sitting right in front of me, but it looked like an ad, so I didn't see it. Right now I have exactly two reactions to advertising. If it possible, ignore it. If it is not, avoid it. There is a reason I almost never watch TV or listen to the radio anymore. Too much annoying ads. Even going to the movies is getting pretty annoying, there is a limit to how much I can take.
I like listening to TWiT, and Leo used to go at length about how much he would appriciate if the listener would buy a Dell. I didn't mind that at all, because it wasn't an commercial, it was just sponsorship. On the other hand, I tried to listen to carnky geek podcast, and around minute eight, there was a commercial. For a minute I thought that I was listening to the radio, but then I just moved to another podcast, I don't need the irritation (and that is on a device that I can just forward through the ads with).
I've been watching Samurai 7 (an anime remake of the Kurosawa film) and some of the DVD's open with a lengthy trailer that you cannot skip.
I seriously considered downloading the rest of episodes instead of buying the remaining discs!
Oh yes, I hate DVDs that play trailers before the movie, or before the menu. I don't mind if they add them to the DVD under the main menu somewhere (like extras), but when they just go ahead and play them... I payed for it, I don't want to have to watch commercials on it too. And thats when I can skip the trailer, I haven't found one yet that I couldn't, but Ill probably just return the DVD if I ever find one.
Ive had trouble finding downloads too when its a graphic button, especially if its located off in the right column (where you normally get all the ads), normally I just search on the page for download to locate it. And thats with blocking ads on a regular basis so I hardly see any at all.
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