Boo just got a whole lot better

time to read 3 min | 522 words

One of my wishes just came true today, Boo just got a new feature that I wanted for a long time. It's not something that you're likely to find in any way useful unless you mess with the guts of Boo. The new feature is adding @,$,? prefixes to the Boo Parser. Why is this a good thing?

Beacuse it let me, and any other Boo Macro Developer, has more ways to get infromation from the user without it being a true pain in the ass. For instance, I can have this:

with longVariableName:

      @Foo = "name"

      @Blah = "foo"

You could do this previously, but this require a naming convention (prefix everything with a _, which is a valid variable name). Another possibility is this:



This can take anything prefixed with a ? and emit code that would skip the call if the variable is null. I'm going to be putting it in Brail in the next couple of hours (hopefully :-) ).