Am I an axiom of journalism?
I've been searching up on the net about the Israel vs. Palestinians conflicts. Found quite a bit of opinions, a lot of hot heads some opinions that I've not seen before, both pro and against Israel. It has been an interesting, if sometimes infuriating read.
I've finally found a New York Times article from Feb 26 1990 that relates very strongly to current events in the Middle East, it's called "Judging Israel". I've been taught about it, but this was the first time that I actually read it. Very good read, even fourteen years after it was first published.
Here are some selective quotes:
"Milan Kundera once defined a small nation as "one whose very existence may be put in question at any moment; a small nation can disappear and knows it." Czechoslovakia is a small nation. Judea was.
Israel is.
THe U.S. is not."
"That is a double standard. What does a double standard mean? To call it a high standard is simply a euphemism. That makes it sound like a compliment. In fact, it is a weapon. If I hold you to a higher standard of morality than others, I am saying that I am prepared to denounce you for things I would never denounce anyone else for."
"The conscious deployment of a double standard directed at the Jewish state and at no other state in the world, the willingness systematically to condemn the Jewish state for things others are not condemned for - this is not a higher standard. It is a discriminatory standard. And discrimination against Jews has a name too. The word for it is anti-Semitism."
As a person who is constantly in touch with Palestinians terrorists (in the most literal sense of the word, several of them has blood on their hands) I cannot disagree with the sense of this double standard, and I acutely feel how much this double standard is harming Israel. I'm by no mean an objective on this subject, but it's just so frustrating sometimes.
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