The bad side of Convention Over Configuration
There are a lot of benefits with
using Convention over Configuration to minimize the amount of boiler plate code
that you need to write. One thing that you need to remember with those systems
is that Convention over Configuration works if and only if you know
about it. If you don't know about it then it is a very bad. I got lost
in a nasty code base because of this, I can't debug this code (not even run it,
as a matter of fact), but I found that grep does a heck of a good job in deciphering
most of it (poor man find-all-reference). Until I run into pieces of code that
did critical things that weren't references from anywhere.
After much digging, it turned out
that there was a place that called those with the equivalent to reflection and
string concentration. Turned out that this was used in plenty of other places,
and that is just nasty, because there is no consistency to it. Anything can
call to any other thing, and frequently does.
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