Verifying you Data Access Layer when using NHibernate, Active Record, And Friends
I sometimes run into situations where people think that ORM is a magic word for no-work-required. This is especially true when they tend to realize that a few hours (on a small project, or a few hours here and there on a larger one) in front of an XML editor and some really simple classes, can more or less eliminate the need of a DAL.
It's tempting, I can write a functional DAL very quickly, but I also need to make sure that I test it. The problem is that you may be tempted to leave it like that, and that is where the danger lies. Let's imagine a very simple blog, where you've a many to one connection beteen posts and a blog, and you want to work with it. I can create the code for that in under ten minutes, in notepad, from memory alone (and no, it's not a boast, it's proof to how good the whole toolset is). But what then? Take a look at this code:
Blog blog = new Blog("My");
Blog.Posts.Add(new Post("noise"));
using(new SessionScope())//for lazy loading
Blog fromDB = Blog.FindWithId(blog.Id);//verify save works
//for each field, verify that the correct value was returned
//this is VERY important if you're going to play typing games, such as saving
//bool to tinyint columm, saving enums, etc...
Assert.AreEquals("My", fromDb.Name);
bool isLoaded = NHibernateUtil.IsInitialized(fromDb.Posts);
Assert.IsFalse(isLoaded);//verify lazy loading
int count = fromDb.Posts.Count;// loads the lazy collection, also
Assert.AreEqual(1, count);// Verify that cascade works from blogs to poss
Post postFromDb = Collection.First(fromDb.Posts);
Assert.AreEquals("noise", postFromDb.Content);//verify that saving a post works
This is one of the simplest possible tests, and check out how many failure point it has. You have to have this kind of coverage over all your entities (although I hate this word). If you don't, you can very easily get into a situation where the most minor change will break you code, and you'll not understand why this is happening.
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