More cool things about ReSharper 210

time to read 1 min | 147 words

Okay, I'm not sure how to express it, but one of the major things that made previous builds of ReSharper hard to use was the IDE coloring. The issue is an VS 2005 bug that made the code look like crap.

Actually, the 210 default coloring (teal background for parameters and yellow variable for local variables is not bad*), but after a while it decide to paint the method names as white on black, which is Not Nice. Build 210 comes with an option to turn that off, which means that now I have a much better experience using it.               


Something bad, to balance the good, ReSharper doesn't know about controls you define in ascx files (but it does know about aspx files).


*It make finding out those "name = name;" bugs in constructors much easier.