Resharper Build 210 Impressions
It finally has some formatting options for anonymous
methods, which is a blessing for me, since I use them just about everywhere.
You don't need to search for their ReSharperKbd.vssettings
file, there is a nice button that will do that for you, just like in Resharper
1.0. It doesn't seem to work in this build. Importing the file from %AppData%\JetBrains\ReShraper\
solved the problem.
There is still a problem with the coloring, but at least now
it has sane coloring for method parameters and local variables. The coloring of
breakpoints is still not nice. This means that I can't really see at
first glance that it's a breakpoint. It's a problem with VS 2k5 that should be
solved in a hotfix soon.
Memory usage seem to be very high (~120Mb), for an 8
project solution with ~20 KLOC in all (but with a lot of assemblies that the
solution use).
I like the way it orders the namespaces alphabetically.
It doesn't have intelli-sense in aspx files, and I turned
off VS's intelli-sense, since ReSharper's is so much better.
It supports intelli sense of members declared on aspx pages,
which is nice.
There seems to have been a lot of work on generic support,
which was very weak in previous builds.
When a file is opened, you can see the VS2k5 default colors
for a second, and then it repaints with ReSharper colors.
It feels so good to have a tool that is smart enough
to figure out what I want to do, and actively help me to do it.
There is a load of small things that are wonderful, for
instance, try to go to a child object, and if it's an object, it will
ask you if you want the aspx or the aspx.cs file. It's surprising to see such polish
in an EAP product. But then, I put JetBrains on a totally different level when
it comes to making sure that I will enjoy working with their products.
It seems to have a problem recognizing inherited items from
a generic class (where the sub class is not generic).
remember that this is alpha software, so it's really cool to see how they
improve the product from one build to the other.
I'm not
sure if I will carry on using this build. On the one hand, it's highly needed,
but on the other, it's still not ready for it. I'm afraid that I'm probably
going to run into all the rough spots in the product, since I tend to take advantage
of just about every feature I can lay my hands on.
I can just
imagine how cool the final version is going to be.
keep up the good work!
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