Brail Beta 2

time to read 2 min | 365 words

I’m very pleased to announce that Brail now uses the white space agnostic derivative of Boo, which makes for much better syntax when mixing with the web.

Check out this syntax to use a block component:  

<% component MyViewComponentWithBody: %>
html content
<% end %>

A lot of thanks to Rodrigo, for creating Boo in the first place and for adding the white space agnostic derivative.


Note: This is a breaking change; code for previous version will not work!


I also updated the documentation in the site. You can get the code from Castle's Subversion repository.

I think that this concludes the big projects that I wanted to do for a lot of time:

  • Generics in NHiberante
  • Nicer syntax to Brail

My next task (when I find a bit of free time) is to tackle the major issue in NQA, which is using it with nullables types.