NHibernate on .Net 2.0Part III
I managed to build an addon to NHibernate that would allows you to use generic collections in NHibernate. Well, one collection, EntitySet<T>, but it's the principal that matter, and it's very easy to write additional classes to do the same for the other collections if you really wants it.
I used a custom PropertyAccessor, and I'm planning on releasing it tomorrow (once I wrote enough tests). But here is the client code that you'll have to write:
Post post = new Post();
//Or you could do:
//post.Blog = blog;
//But you don’t have to do both
Here is how it looks like to the author of the classes:
public class Blog
EntitySet<Post> _posts;
public ICollection<Post> Posts
get { return _posts; }
public Blog()
_posts = new EntitySet<Post>(
delegate (Post p) { p.Blog = this; },
delegate (Post p) { p.Blog = null; }
public class Post
EntityRef<Blog> _blog;
public Blog Blog
get { return _blog.Value; }
set { _blog.Value = value; }
public Post()
_blog = new EntityRef<Blog>(
delegate(Blog b) { b.Posts.Add(this); }
delegate(Blog b) { b.Posts.Remove(this); }
This has a lot of goodies in it:
- The users gets the strongly typed generic collections and properties that they come to expect in .Net 2 (ICollection<Post> Post & Blog Blog, respectively).
- The author of the class doesn't really have to do something special, just tell the EntitySet & EntityRef how it wants the relationships to act when you add/remove or change/clear the reference.
- Nothing special that you need to do (beyond giving a special access strategy to the Posts property in the mapping, but I'll add this tomorrow to Active Record, so this would be a piece of cake)
The guide lines for this are going to be:
- Don't expose a setter for the EntitySet<>. This is genenrally a sound advice anywhere where you're exposing collections to the outside world.
- Don't expose an EntityRef<> directly, use its Value property inside the property and let it manage the connections for you.
- The most important guide line is going to be: Have fun, because you just saved a lot of time :-)
More posts in "NHibernate on .Net 2.0" series:
- (01 Oct 2005) Part IV - The Sucess
- (01 Oct 2005) Part III
- (30 Sep 2005) Part II
- (30 Sep 2005) Part I
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