Current Projects
This is mainly for my own book keeping, this is the list of my current open source projects and their statuses
- Rhino Mocks - Production
- Brail - Production
- NHiberante Query Analyzer - final beta stages
- Reflector.Boo - Alpha released
- Boo's Design By Contract - not released, ugly code
- Ayende Bug Tracker - some code written
That is quite a bit.
Brail saw some activity and new features for the past few days and Rhino Mocks is feature complete and fully tested. NHibernate Query Analyzer is my first project and it represent about 10 months of work. I consider it my learning experiance about how to write big piece of software. It's certainly not the way I would've written it now. Reflector.Boo has some very glaring bugs (properties, for instance) that I don't have the time to fix. Boo's Design By Contract are very cool and are very complex beast (which is why I'm taking a rest from them).
Ayende's Bug Tracker is something that I'm making as a show piece, since I'm interested in starting to get paid for coding (Hint: If you're looking for a developer for the .Net platform in Israel, send me an email.). It currently has two classes (Project written down, since I gotten side tracked with Brail and added lots of cool stuff there to make it easier to develop.
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