All the Rhinos in the World, Unite!
Update: You can see all the photos here
Well, I might have gone a bit overboard, but I do like Rhinos.
Say hello to my crash of rhinos.
And here is a nice family of them:
I don’t get this way very often, but AWESOME!
Entering to the office…
And just to give you some perspective:
Do i see a rhino tatoo on your left arm?
Bogdan, Yes
I live about 1km from a nature reserve (in Pretoria South Africa) thats got rhino, I guess you'll love it here :)
Dude, you look great! Congratulations!
Oh, and the rhinos look cool too! :)
Haha! That's alot of rhinos. Never realized thought that rhinos created so much awesomeness for my everyday worklife. :)
Hello Ayende,
in Dortmund/Germany you can find the "flying rhino" in form of sculpture all around the city as it is the concert hall's heraldic animal. It is customized to the place and/or the organizations exhibiting them. Check this gallery for a small selection:
Best regards Miguel
Ayende looks like he's single (hint: he's smiling)..... maybe he's in his honeymoon period. (or that i'm just jaded..)
Love the crash of rhino's :) So many!! And u have ink! And the collective noun connection to programming ...
Time to start a project/company called HibernatingWildCats .. cause their collective noun is called a destruction of cats (wild cats). RAWR! (sounds like my fail code -> all destructive)
Justin, If you'll look closely, you can see my Wedding Ring.
Yeap, the ring is there ... so to all she-programmers: Ayende's not free any more! ;)
Is that a rhino mezuzah?
Luk, No, just a door plaque
My favourite is the black one in the second picture.
Rob, That is a girl rhino :-) Seriously, BTW
You know, I just thought it was being aggressive, but now I see that pose in a whole new light.
i worry about you guys sometimes :D
All those rhinos, and not one Rhinox? For shame.
mmm... did you know that collecting things is an early symptom of OCD?
This is awesome!
Now, lets take it to the next level and actually purchase a real Rhino as a pet. That would be epic!
Awesome)) Thanks for good mood for all working day)
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