ReverseDOS with multiply applications

time to read 1 min | 158 words

Even after installing ReverseDOS, I still had problems with trackback spam. There were two problems that I had to solve, first, the configuration was set to only block referrer spam, so I added filters for POST as well.

Second, and that one was nasty, I've the following architecture on my server:

- Cuyahoga (serving

     - dasBlog (serving

As you can see, the blog is a seperate application that is located on a directory inside Cuyahoga (and as a seperate IIS Application). The problem was that dasBlog, where I initially setup ReverseDOS has some of its setting inherited from the parent application. Apperantly this messed up ReverseDOS.

When I set it on the root application, it works. But, the usual catch22 applies, I needed to copy the dll file to both root/bin and to root/blog/bin in order to get them all to work. Yuck, talk about DRY violations.

BTW, GNU's WGet is very useful for these things.