Can you hack this out? Revised

time to read 2 min | 359 words

It appears that I made this challenge a bit too hard, I wrote it in haste and didn’t check that it all works. Here is the new code, it is almost the same as the first, but now it doesn’t check the typeof(T) (for which there is no interception path), but the provided runnerType instead.

internal interface IRunner
void Execute();

public sealed class AssemblyRunner : IRunner
void IRunner.Execute()

public class CompositeRunner
private readonly Type runnerType;

public CompositeRunner(Type runnerType)
this.runnerType = runnerType;

public void Execute()
if (!typeof(IRunner).IsAssignableFrom(runnerType))
throw new InvalidOperationException("invalid type");
var runner = (IRunner)Activator.CreateInstance(runnerType);

Sorry about that image

Look at the future posts for hints for that.