Git for OSS projects
If I needed more reasons to move to Git, this would be it:
Just to make things more interesting, a couple of those are pull requests, but the middle is just a patch that I got sent. That patch also include a binary file.
Automatically tracking who did what and where, even for people who aren’t members of the project? Not having to handle binary files in patches in a special way?
That is just makes things so much simpler…
following your efforts with Divan-DB I got myself a github account. I can't say I grok all the new possibilities with git yet but am hoping for aha-moments that will inevitably come.
One thing that would solve a lot of problems Subversion has with OSS projects would be to have check-in moderation queue built-in in SVN server.
So instead of sending a patch, you could just commit (choosing a name). And if the check-in is approved, it would be included with your name and you will be visible as committer. This would not allow for full GIT flexibility, but would fix most problems while preserving centralized Subversion model.
Nice...I like how you choose my "n00b" comment as the one to display...
Many thanks...haha
Also consider Mercurial, GoogleCode apparently has support for it now (
One reason why is Mercurial apparently has a better Windows story at the moment than Git. Pretty much everything else is on par.
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