Connection Pooling: Implemention

time to read 7 min | 1376 words

Given the following contact:

/// <summary>
/// Thread Safety - This is NOT a thread safe connection
/// Exception Safety - After an exception is thrown, it should be disposed and not used afterward
/// Connection Pooling - It is expected that this will be part of a connection pool
/// </summary>
public class DistributedHashTableStorageClient

I decided that I needed to really didn’t want to pass the responsibility for that to the client, and that I wanted to handle that inside my library. Here is what I came up with:

public class DefaultConnectionPool
    private static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof (DefaultConnectionPool));
    readonly object locker = new object();

    private readonly Dictionary<NodeEndpoint, LinkedList<PooledDistributedHashTableStorageClientConnection>> pooledConnections =
        new Dictionary<NodeEndpoint, LinkedList<PooledDistributedHashTableStorageClientConnection>>();

    public IDistributedHashTableStorage Create(NodeEndpoint endpoint)
        PooledDistributedHashTableStorageClientConnection storage = null;
        lock (locker)
            LinkedList<PooledDistributedHashTableStorageClientConnection> value;
            if (pooledConnections.TryGetValue(endpoint, out value) && value.Count > 0)
                storage = value.First.Value;
        if (storage != null)
            if (storage.Connected == false)
                log.DebugFormat("Found unconnected connection in the pool for {0}", endpoint.Sync);
                catch (Exception e)
                    log.Debug("Error when disposing unconnected connection in the pool", e);
                return storage;
        log.DebugFormat("Creating new connection in the pool to {0}", endpoint.Sync);
        return new PooledDistributedHashTableStorageClientConnection(this, endpoint);

    private void PutMeBack(PooledDistributedHashTableStorageClientConnection connection)
        lock (locker)
            LinkedList<PooledDistributedHashTableStorageClientConnection> value;
            if (pooledConnections.TryGetValue(connection.Endpoint, out value) == false)
                pooledConnections[connection.Endpoint] = value = new LinkedList<PooledDistributedHashTableStorageClientConnection>();
        log.DebugFormat("Put connection for {0} back in the pool", connection.Endpoint.Sync);

    class PooledDistributedHashTableStorageClientConnection : DistributedHashTableStorageClient
        private readonly DefaultConnectionPool pool;

        public PooledDistributedHashTableStorageClientConnection(
            DefaultConnectionPool pool,
            NodeEndpoint endpoint) : base(endpoint)
            this.pool = pool;

        public bool Connected
            get { return client.Connected; }

        public override void Dispose()
            if(Marshal.GetExceptionCode() != 0)//we are here because of some sort of error
                log.Debug("There was an error during the usage of pooled client connection, will not return it to the pool (may be poisioned)");
            else if(Connected == false)
                log.Debug("The connection was disconnected, will not return connection to the pool");

I think that should pretty much cover everything I need.
