NHibernate Mapping - <many-to-any/>
<many-to-any/> is the logical extension of the <any/> feature that NHibernate has. At the time of this writing, if you do a Google search on <many-to-any/>, the first result is this post. It was written by me, in 2005, and contains absolutely zero useful information. Time to fix that.
Following up on the <any/> post, let us say that we need to map not a single heterogeneous association, but a multiple heterogeneous one, such as this:
In the database, it would appear as:
How can we map such a thing?
Well, that turn out to be pretty easy to do:
<set name="Payments" table="OrderPayments" cascade="all"> <key column="OrderId"/> <many-to-any id-type="System.Int64" meta-type="System.String"> <meta-value value="CreditCard" class="CreditCardPayment"/> <meta-value value="Wire" class="WirePayment"/> <column name="PaymentType" not-null="true"/> <column name="PaymentId" not-null="true"/> </many-to-any> </set>
Now, let us look at how we use this when we insert values:
using (var session = sessionFactory.OpenSession()) using (var tx = session.BeginTransaction()) { var order = new Order { Payments = new HashSet<IPayment> { new CreditCardPayment { Amount = 6, CardNumber = "35434", IsSuccessful = true }, new WirePayment { Amount = 3, BankAccountNumber = "25325", IsSuccessful = false } } }; session.Save(order); tx.Commit(); }
This will produce some very interesting SQL:
I think that the SQL make it pretty clear what is going on here, so let us move to a more fascinating topic, what does NHibernate do when we read them?
Here is the code:
using (var session = sessionFactory.OpenSession()) using (var tx = session.BeginTransaction()) { var order = session.Get<Order>(1L); foreach (var payment in order.Payments) { Console.WriteLine(payment.Amount); } tx.Commit(); }
And the SQL:
As you can see, this is about as efficient as you can get. We load the order, we check what tables we need to check, and the we select from each of the tables that we found to get the actual values in the association.
True heterogeneous association, not used very often, but when you need it, you really love it when you do.
I must be missing something: why does the Order table have PaymentType and PaymentId columns?
How else could it have a reference for payment?
Oh, no, sorry.
Order have those columns because (not seen in this post), Order also have an any association to payment.
Really appreciate the work with these series, gonna print them out and make a little book of it for my colleagues. Thanks!
I had no idea this mapping even existed! I always read your posts because I'm constantly either learning something new or they force me to think through issues that I've never considered or from a viewpoint that I hadn't previously taken. Thanks for the education!!!
I would like to take to this opportunity to ask a question about one-to-many. I have two classes:
GeneralInformation and famousPlacesInLondon
public class GeneralInformation
<famousplacesinlondon famousPlacesOutLondon;
<famousplacesinlondon FamousPlacesOutLondon
public class FamousPlacesInLondon
My mappings are as follows:
If I fill the GeneralInformation class with data and do a save using NHibernate, everything gets inserted into the appropriate tables, except the ForeignKey GeneralInformationId. What is wrong?
If this is not a question about this post, please use the nhusers mailing list for that
Can you explain the first SQL statement (i.e. insert into orders(PaymentType, PaymentId) values (NULL, NULL))?
It already makes sense. Had to check your previous post to understand the table structures.
The problem is that it is using the same model from the previous post, so Payment property is empty, so it is putting null there.
Is there any way you can write HQL queries that cross this to-any relationship --- even if at query time you know the type of the entity on the other end?
I.e. the casting equivalent of select ... from foo where (KnownType)foo.anyRelation.number=12 ?
Or no need to do that?
You have to traverse the association from the other side
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