Subversion & Bug Tracking integration
[Via Joel On Software] I found this page about FogBugz & Subversion integration, to the point where both the GUI & WebUI clients gives you the bug tracking URL and the the bug tracking URL gives you the change set.
I wanted to do something similar for NHibernate Query Analyzer, but the problem was that I'm not using an external bug tracking, but a modified TiddlyWiki that goes along with the code into the repository.
Currently I can't find how to make the bug tracking url relative to the repository's path, so I can't use the file that is in the repository. :-(, and I don't want to use another bug tracking system because my main requirement right now is that it have to have offline capabilities, which sort of exclude anything else that I also has URLs, however, I do use an online source code repository, and Berlios provides online browsing capabilities to the files, so... Here is how I integrated my own bug tracking "software" into Subversion.
svn propset bugtraq:url "*checkout*/nqa/Docs/NQA.Wiki.html#[[%BUGID%]]" .
svn propset bugtraq:message "Issue Tiddler: %BUGID%" .
svn propset bugtraq:number false .
svn propset bugtraq:warnifnoissue yes .
svn commit -m "Added BugTraq integration to NHibernate Query Analyzer"
I run in on the root of NHibernate Query Analyzer's reposistory (notice the period at the end of each command, this means these properties refer to the current directory.) and voila, I get free bug tracking integration.
Take a look at TortoiseSVN log viewer:
Sadly, Berlios doesn't offer WebSvn (but I requested it), so I can't get web UI integration currently.
Still, this is some cool s*** :-D
[Update: Just to demostrate, click here to see the bug tracking for one of the bugs I recently fixed.]
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