A very significant milestone
Today, around 3 AM, I finally submitted the last chapter in the book.
I was surprised to realize that it took over a year to write it, and I am happy beyond words that the action of writing the book is behind me.
That said, it is not actually the end of the work. All it means is that I am done writing new content, now we are going to get into a cycle of editing once more, and I really don't look forward to re-reading what I wrote five to ten times, over and over and over again.
Nevertheless, I am feeling GREAT!
I wanted to congratulate, but duplicate posts are not allowed.
Nevertheless, Congratulations :-)
That must be a wonderful feeling. Congratulations! I can't wait to read the book.
Waiting for discovering it on bookshelves :) 'grats !
Congrats Ayende!
With NHibernate in Action, we're slightly ahead of you in the publication workflow, I think you've only about 4 rounds of edit and review left ;-)
The question has to be if you would do it again?
Congratulations. Looking forward to buying a copy of your book!
Congrats !
Congratulations. I really like the book and hope it will become a bestseller in its niche
I have an 'early preview' version from the manning website, purchased about two or three months ago and Im wondering if there are any significant differences between it and the final version?
Let us know when it's officially published, I'll definitely be buying a copy.
It will be edited, have a few extra chapters and an appendix.
It means better quality overall.
I am also going to go over the existing chapters and update them based on what I learned in the last year
Great. Where can we download it from? j/k
Seriously though, congratulations. From the excerpts I've seen here this should prove to be a very good book.
Glad to hear it's coming along. Congrats and looking forward to getting it (somewhat) soon.
Good to hear that. Hope I'll be able to download it as well :)
I bought it at MAEP and I can recommend it to everyone who want to be a better developer.
I hope someone will put it on a torrent ^^
Ayende, will you make a paypal button on your site for those, who will download the book for free and probably find it usefull?
How closely is the book tied to .NET/Brail/Boo etc.? Will it be useful for programmers that are only familiar with other languages/frameworks?
Some parts of it should be applicable, testing, documentation, versioning and generic DSL organization are discussed in depth, for example.
It would be nice to know answer on this questions at start of your book
1) What will I get if I read the book ? will I be able with it to a) make my code easier b) make my code smaller c) decrease project time?
2) How much time should it take for carefully reading with step into all your examples?
3) What are requirements to me for understanding the book?
Just suggest I ask my boss to buy that book (50$) :) and give me a work time for learning it - for exampe, 2 weeks of full-time days (1500$)
Is it a good investment for him and for me?
Will I be able to write a new WinForm/ASP.Net application faster than without it?
Congratulations for this step.
I know how much work it is to get to this point, and how much work is left after that ;-)
See linqinaction.net/.../my-writing-experience.aspx
This was written in March 2007, and LINQ in Action was finally published in February 2008. It all started on February 2006!
thanks, I'll try to address that in the first part
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