Advance NHibernate Workshop Video
Two and a half hour of in depth NHibernate, from Kaizen Conf. You can get it here.
I would really appreciate your comments about that.
You can also see the NH Prof shown there, and its capabilities at the time (it got a few more since).
Any chance of sharing that PPT?
Is there a way to download this video so I can watch it on the train?
I don't know, you might want to ask in viddler's fourm
It is too big (MB wise) to share, and it doesn't really have any content.
Looks interesting but I can't hear what you're saying, nor can I read the text on the screen.
Quite a teaser. Topics are interesting and headphones even give you some sound resolution to understand what you are saying but the screens are just one big compression artifact. Guy with the camera was sitting way too far.
It's hard to read code.
Big teaser... Your voice is almost audiable, but the slides are a total blur.
Wow. What a let down. Looks like it was a great show if you were in the room. Ditto what the other comments were - cant see or hear what was going on. Bummed out.
Yup, can't see, can't hear. Too bad.
Same problem, need volume up high to hear you - then my ears bleed at when people laugh - and I can hear people whispering etc.
Also cannot see the code, combined made it hard to follow.
Would it be possible for you to post the presentation. It would make it much easier to follow along.
Thanks in advance.
Do you have access to the source video? Maybe someone here can encode it in a bigger format with the audio a little higher, and put in some kind of ftp for download. I'm really interested in this presentation.
I know it's better put in somewhere public like Viddler but the encoding of these sites mess with some videos.
+1 on slides. As for the audio, it gets quite listenable (is there even such a word?) after few minutes. On the other hand, it could as well be only audio, since video is unusable. Can't see the code at all.
The slides are up here:
Do you have the code somewhere publicly available? I'm stubborn, I'll fire up VS, load the code open the slides, and try to watch the thing again and not to get repelled by the quality of the video. maybe this time I'll actually 'get' something :)
The talk is very interesting.
I like the Lucene integration and the multiple databases (great power!).
Too bad I can't see the code, this is more difficult to understand what you are doing.
I updated the post with the code location.
Hi Ayende,
Love your blog and work on NHibernate.
I was also looking forward to be able to dive into the code connected to this presentation, but I can not find it anywere.
You state you have updated the post with the code location, but I can't find it.
You are correct, I forgot to do so:
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