Safe for multi threading...
The easiest way of getting there is to have no mutable state. And here is a simple test to ensure that. Seeing how CouchDB code works and how erlag handle things is quite educating in this regard.
[TestFixture] public class EnssureTypesSafeForMultiThreadingTestFixture { [Test] public void TypeIsSafeForMultiThreading() { var visitedTypes = new List<Type> { // immutable types, partial list typeof(int), typeof(long), typeof(string), typeof(DateTime) }; foreach (var type in GetRootTypesToCheck()) { CheckType(type, visitedTypes); } } private static void CheckType(Type type, ICollection<Type> types) { if(types.Contains(type)) return; types.Add(type); var fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance|BindingFlags.NonPublic|BindingFlags.Public); foreach (var info in fields) { var isReadOnlyField = (info.Attributes & FieldAttributes.InitOnly)==FieldAttributes.InitOnly; if(isReadOnlyField==false) throw new InvalidAsynchronousStateException("Dude, " + type + "." + info.Name + " is not marked as read only. You are NOT safe for multi threading, enjoy the deadlock, bye!"); CheckType(info.FieldType, types); } } private static IEnumerable<Type> GetRootTypesToCheck() { // return types that I am interested in verifying } }
Heheh, nice!
It would also be cool to check if the type of the field was immutable. Otherwise the following would be verified as thread safe, when it's not:
class MyClass
private readonly List <int field;
// ...
I remember reading a blog article with some good ideas about verifying immutability ->.
Ahh ok, you are doing that, it's just that it depends on the ordering of types in the GetRootTypesToCheck() collection as to whether it works or not.
@Jacob, How does the ordering matter? Am I missing something here? It seems that the recursive call would check the inner type for immutability whether it has been checked or not, wouldn't it?
So it would, wow I must've having been having a bad day yesterday!
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