My Bio
Every now and again, I find myself having to cough up a bio. Usually for conferences, talks and the like. Since I tend to dislike talking about myself, I often neglect that. The last time I updated my bio was in 2006. Time for a fresh one.
Oren Eini is an independent consultant based in Israel. His main focus is on architecture and best practices that promote quality software and zero-friction development.
Oren is the author of Rhino Mocks, one of the most popular mocking frameworks on the .NET platform, and is also a leading figure in other well known open source projects including the Castle project and NHibernate.
An internationally known presenter, Oren has spoken at conferences such as DevTeach, JAOO and Oredev, and is the author of the book "Building Domain Specific Languages with Boo", soon to be published by Manning.
Oren, using his pseudonym as Ayende Rahien, is a frequent blogger at His hobbies include reading fantasy novels, reviewing code, and writing about himself in the third person.
Update: I honestly forgot.
Oren is also a Microsoft MVP, a fact that he tends to forget when writing a bio.
And thanks to James Avery, Avish, Al Gonzalez, Tobin Harris and IMH for proof reading it.
Just one quick fix:
"Oren is also leading figure..."
needs and 'a' in there:
"Oren is also a leading figure..."
Also, don't you usually refer to your mocking application as Rhino Mocks, not Rhino Mock? Otherwise looks good.
Also, "nom de plume" sounds better than "secret identity" (sic!) ;)
Tim & Steve,
Thanks, fixed.
I try hard not to use words that I don't understand or pronounce.
The first paragraph is very good.
I think the second paragraph reads a little awkward - it begins with "he", and then the next sentence says Oren, as if talking about a different person. You might consider joining those two sentences.
By starting with "As well as...", the third paragraph feels like it is saying the "internationally known speaker" part is not so important.
How about this:
Although I personally think that "nom de plume" is the nicer form, in English you may choose its word by word translation "pen name", or "literary double" or even better "literary pseudonym".
"Ayende Rahien" cannot be a "secret identity", especially after you already introduced yourself as "Oren Eini" on the same text (and as "Oren" in the very same paragraph). Defining "Ayende Rahien" as a "secret identity" in that context is semantically wrong (I would say it is wrong in any context, as it is pretty easy to find out that "Ayende Rahien" is a pseudonym of an individual called "Oren Eini").
If I would have written that text I would have used the term "nom de plume", and Google more or less support my choice (366,000 with safesearch on). If my editor would have complained, I would have gone with "literary pseudonym" (2,870), "literary double" (3,200) or "pen name" (2,040,000), in that order of choice.
In the other hand, you may use also "pseudonym" or "fictitious name", but those a semantical supersets of both the concepts defined from "nom de plume" and "secret identity".
i think "secret identity" was supposed to be a joke.
Nice and succinct. I like it. You could also include:
"His hobbies include reading fantasy novels, reviewing code, and writing about himself in the third person."
dude.. what happened to future posting? I had 4 posts from you in my rss this morning. must_read_everything_oren_writes blogs, books, screencasts.. you're taking up too much time. I need my space. I think we should break up. lol.
i'll have to save the 'isolated components' post for later.
I agree with Paul's rework.
I think you should also mention your age. It motivages me seeing a person doing big things at young age.
Added, thanks
Alessandro ,
pseudonym it is then,
Thanks, I updated the post
@ayende - I didn't mean "blah, blah and blah" literally :)
Ah, the joy of copy pasting at 1AM
I am going to completely steal this biographical statement. No, not by pretending to be you, but to use the same brevity and clarity. You are now my role model yet one other way.
And congratulations on the MVP selection for 2009.
You may want to mention the SVN Bridge thing as well, being set on CodePlex servers makes it something :).
I laughed out loud at the "writing about himself in the third person" bit. Good work Ayende/James!
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