Emulating Java Enums

time to read 2 min | 265 words

Java Enums are much more powerful than the ones that exists in the CLR. There are numerous ways of handling this issue, but here is my approach.

Given this enum (defined in Java):

private static enum Layer {

	public boolean isRightLayer(WorkType type) {
		if (this == FIRST && type != WorkType.COLLECTION) return true;
		return this == SECOND && type == WorkType.COLLECTION;

And the C# version is:

private class Layer
    public static readonly Layer First = new Layer(delegate(WorkType type)
        return type != WorkType.Collection;
    public static readonly Layer Second = new Layer(delegate(WorkType type)
        return type == WorkType.Collection;

    public delegate bool IsRightLayerDelegate(WorkType type);

    private readonly IsRightLayerDelegate isRightLayer;

    protected Layer(IsRightLayerDelegate isRightLayer)
        this.isRightLayer = isRightLayer;

    public bool IsRightLayer(WorkType type)
        return isRightLayer(type);