Custom Syntax Highlighting
Just using the Boo syntax isn't really enough in many cases, you want to handle your own custom keywords, behaviors, etc.
#Develop make this a piece of cake, since it defines the syntax highlighting using an XML file, and handles the actual parsing and coloring on its on. Here is the overall structure of such a file:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <SyntaxDefinition name="Boo" extensions=".boo"> <Environment> <Default bold="false" italic="false" color="SystemColors.WindowText" bgcolor="SystemColors.Window" /> <Selection bold="false" italic="false" color="SystemColors.HighlightText" bgcolor="SystemColors.Highlight" /> </Environment> <Digits name="Digits" bold="false" italic="false" color="DarkBlue" /> <RuleSets> <RuleSet ignorecase="false" > <Delimiters>&<>~!@$%^*()-+=|\#/{}[]:;"' , .?</Delimiters> <Span name="LineComment" stopateol="true" bold="false" italic="false" color="Gray" > <Begin >#</Begin> </Span> <KeyWords name="JumpStatements" bold="false" italic="false" color="Navy" > <Key word="break"/> <Key word="continue"/> <Key word="return"/> <Key word="yield"/> <Key word="goto" /> </KeyWords> </RuleSet> </RuleSets> </SyntaxDefinition>
As you can see, this is pretty easy to work with. Now let us add our own keywords:
<KeyWords name="DslKeywords" bold="false" italic="false" color="DarkOrange" > <Key word="specification"/> <Key word="users_per_machine"/> <Key word="requires"/> <Key word="same_machine_as"/> </KeyWords>
Now we need to load the new language definition (don't forget to change the name, I changed it to "dsl") to the editor an select it:
HighlightingManager.Manager.AddSyntaxModeFileProvider( new FileSyntaxModeProvider(@"C:\Path\to\language\definition")); //.. setup text editor editorControl.SetHighlighting("dsl");
The result?
Good work! Looks great!
huh. interesting & pretty cool. Do you use SharpDevelop often?
Does not the Boo-provided AST have enough information to do the highlighting? I've never lloked at the Boo compiler, but it is probably possible to get AST annotated with line/column numbers?
One of my dream projects was building ANTLR/Coco grammar-based highlighting support into Visual Studio -- basically a VS/proj configuration option ".x is handled by ....\x.grammar". Unfortunately actually implementing such thing can take an awful lot of time.
It does, but you don't want to do that. It is too complex.
You suggestion is what #Develop does, but with XML instead of .g files
As far as I see from this XML, it is not a grammar -- it is a keyword list.
So it is not possible to create a valid C# highlighting using it.
The nice thing about working with grammar/AST is that you always get highlighting based on how this compiles (and doing compilation/parsing in background may actually make sense for small DSL files).
I have only shown a very small part of it. It is most certainly possible to create a C# highlighting with it. In fact, there is such a language definition!
Does anyone know how Eclipse handles syntax highlighting? There are some tips for using JFace Text and similar, but its not certainly as simple as in #develop!!
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