Verifying assumptions with tests
Here are a few interesting tests that I just wrote:
[TestFixture] public class SystemWebCacheTests : CacheMixin { [SetUp] public void Setup() { ClearCache(); } [Test] public void IterationWithModifications() { Cache["foo"] = new object(); Cache["bar"] = new object(); foreach (DictionaryEntry de in Cache) { Cache.Remove(de.Key.ToString()); } Assert.AreEqual(0, Cache.Count); } [Test] public void IterationWithAdditions_ShouldGet_ConsistentSnapshot() { Cache["foo"] = new object(); Cache["bar"] = new object(); bool first = true; int count = 0; foreach (DictionaryEntry de in Cache) { count += 1; if(first==false) Cache["baz"] = new object(); first = false; } Assert.AreEqual(2, count); Assert.AreEqual(3, Cache.Count); } [Test] public void IterationWithRemoval_ShouldGet_ConsistentSnapshot() { Cache["foo"] = new object(); Cache["bar"] = new object(); bool first = true; int count = 0; foreach (DictionaryEntry de in Cache) { count += 1; if (first) Cache.Remove("bar"); Assert.IsNotNull(de.Value); Assert.IsNotNull(de.Key); first = false; } Assert.AreEqual(2, count); Assert.AreEqual(1, Cache.Count); } }
I have no idea if this is just a coincidental evidence, but I like the consistency.
Can you expand abit on how you implement your "Mixin" in C#
Mixin in a convention of mine to express that I am using a base class as a way to inject particular functionality, not as an AS A relationship
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