DevTeach Summary
Well, DevTeach Toronto is over, and so it my blogging hiatus. I haven't had time to blog because there was so much to do and take part of.
Now that it is officially over, I can look back and say that DevTeach is still my favorite conference. Leaving aside the great speaker and talk line up (thanks James, and thanks Scott for doing it on the last two DevTeach confs), what I really like about DevTeach is the interaction with the attendees and the amount of face to face time that you get with everyone. I haven't been able to crack what it is that makes DevTeach special in this way, but I have been to other big conferences, and they were good, but they weren't the same.
In short, in you have can make a conference, you really want to make it DevTeach.
I am feeling somewhat wrung out at the moment, the last week was intense. I had five talks and a panel discussion (which will be available on DotNetRocks! ) , and at some point it felt like playing musical chairs. I like presenting, make no mistake, but there is no denying that giving a talk is a high energy expenditure event.
Overall, I am happy with the way the talks went. I talked about:
- Rapid (maintainable) web development with MonoRail
- Advance usages of Inversion of Control containers
- Writing Domain Specific Languages in Boo
- Object Relational Mapping += 2: More then just data <-> object
- Building Zero Friction Development Environment
The last talk was a surprise one, I had to fill in for Roy, who was sick (but is getting better). For an off the cuff session, I think it went very well. It was somewhat like posting to my blog, live and in speech, instead of writing. At least, that was how it felt, far more informal and more abstract than most of my talks. It has also given me the chance to clarify some of my thinking in the area of zero friction development and why this should be a goal.
The Advance IoC and Advance OR/M talks were pure fun. Fundamentals are important, but there isn't enough discussion about what happens after you grok the fundamentals as I would like to see.
Of course, I know that the pace of those talks is fairly... daunting. I am trying to cover in one hours concepts that took me months and years to figure out. I am not trying to impart the actual knowledge in those talks, there is just not enough time for it, but I am trying to point the way to interesting approaches, the advantages that using those approaches gives you, and where you should explore further.
The panel discussion, which was recorded as a Dot Net Rocks podcast, talked about The Future of .Net. Me, Ted Neward and Scott Bellware sat and talked about this for a while. I think that it was a good discussion, but I really feel the need to find something else to point as the negative examples. We have been beating the same horse for too long. I accept nominations, by the way.
Too many hallway discussions and side talks to count or articulate, I am afraid.
Greg's talk about DDDD was interesting, we talked about it afterward, and I think that we are much closer in our thinking that it would appear on the outside. A lot of the things that Greg objects to are things that I would hurry to avoid as well. We take different approaches to avoiding them, most probably because we tend to build very different applications.
In summary, DevTeach rocked!
I had a lot of fun, and baring intervention from a higher power, I definitely intend to be in the next one.
I enjoyed your talks on MonoRail and ORM, and though I missed your DSL talk I already read the EAP version of your book. What I took away from DevTeach was that there are some great solutions already out there that I need to explore (for example, I've been using ASP.NET MVC for my new web development and while I had heard of MonoRail, I didn't realize how further along it was). And I'm going to try your "glass of water" trick at my next presentation :)
I really enjoyed your talk on advanced usage of IoC containers. Last year I had a euraka moment about TDD in Scott Bellware's post con session. This year I had my IoC eureka moment in your IoC talk.
I hope you never see my source code. I think it would make you cry!
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