Dynamic Mapping with NHibernate
A while ago I posted how to handle dynamic mapping with Active Record, it was incredibly easy to do, because Active Record has a lot of smarts internally, and output the XML, on top of which NHibernate adds quite a bit of convention over configuration as well. Doing the same using NHibernate directly is possible, but a bit long winded. Here is the sample code, which link all the Employee properties to the correct entity:
Configuration cfg = new Configuration() .AddAssembly(typeof (Employee).Assembly) .AddAssembly(typeof(ScheduledTask).Assembly); Mappings mappings = cfg.CreateMappings(); foreach (PersistentClass persistentClass in mappings.Classes) { if (persistentClass.MappedClass.GetProperty("Employee") == null) continue; Property prop = new Property(); PersistentClass employeeClass = cfg.GetClassMapping(typeof (Employee)); Table table = employeeClass.Table; ManyToOne value = new ManyToOne(table); value.ReferencedEntityName = typeof (Employee).FullName; Column column = new Column("Employee"); value.AddColumn(column); prop.Value = value; prop.Name = "Employee"; prop.PersistentClass = employeeClass; persistentClass.AddProperty(prop); persistentClass.Table.AddColumn(column); persistentClass.Table.CreateForeignKey("FK_EmployeeTo" + persistentClass.MappedClass.Name, new Column[] {column,}, typeof (Employee).FullName); } cfg.BuildSessionFactory(); new SchemaExport(cfg).Execute(true, true, false, true);
As you can see, there is a lot that needs to be done, we have to tell NHibernate a lot of things it would generally be able to figure out on its own. We can shove this to an extension method and get really nice syntax:
public static void MapManyToOne<TEntityInterface, TEntity>(this Configuration cfg) { Mappings mappings = cfg.CreateMappings(); foreach (PersistentClass persistentClass in mappings.Classes) { var propertyNames = new List<string>(); foreach (PropertyInfo property in persistentClass.MappedClass.GetProperties()) { if (property.PropertyType == typeof (TEntityInterface)) { propertyNames.Add(property.Name); } } if (propertyNames.Count == 0) continue; var prop = new Property(); PersistentClass targetClass = cfg.GetClassMapping(typeof (TEntity)); foreach (string propertyName in propertyNames) { Table table = targetClass.Table; var value = new ManyToOne(table); value.ReferencedEntityName = typeof (TEntity).FullName; var column = new Column(propertyName); value.AddColumn(column); prop.Value = value; prop.Name = propertyName; prop.PersistentClass = targetClass; persistentClass.AddProperty(prop); persistentClass.Table.AddColumn(column); string fkName = string.Format("FK_{0}To{1}", propertyName, persistentClass.MappedClass.Name); persistentClass.Table.CreateForeignKey(fkName, new[] {column,}, typeof (TEntity).FullName); } } }
Now we can use this with the following syntax:
cfg.MapManyToOne<IEmployee, Employee>();
Which is much nicer.
Nicely done.
Is the other post you are referring to this one
or is was there another?
Yes, that is the post
What version of Nhibernate are you using? I'm using 2.0 Alpha and NHibernate.cfg.Mappings does not have a 'Classes' property...
It has now
Good stuff as always!
What version of Nhibernate are you using? I don't have a 'Classes' property...
Good stuff. So it is possible to create the entities by dynamic xml schema.
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