A challenge: Getting a list of products
A few days ago I posted about two phase tests, I have been thinking about this lately, and decided that I have a good example for this, which also demonstrate some important design decisions.
The task is listing the first 10 products that we can sell to a customer. The UI is console application, and the database design and data access method are whatever you want.
That is pretty easy, right?
Expected input is:
/dev/product_listing/bin> list_products
Expected output is:
Milk $1.0
Bread $1.3
Sausage $2.5
Horror Movie $5.0
Next requirement is that given the following input:
/dev/product_listing/bin> list_products -pg13
The output is:
Milk $1.0
Bread $1.3
Sausage $2.5
Next requirement is that given the following input:
/dev/product_listing/bin> list_products -vegetarian
Expected output is:
Milk $1.0
Bread $1.3
Horror Movie $5.0
Additional requirements of this type will follow, and they can be combined. That is, we can also have:
/dev/product_listing/bin> list_products -pg13 -vegetarian
Expected output is:
Milk $1.0
Bread $1.3
How would you solve this?
Not nice quoting myself to me.
You are supposed to work on it.
ISpecification<Product> ?
Not sure what the pipe and filters thing is about (I remember reading it but have to go back to refer to it and see if it's appropriate to this solution). However I would go with Chris on using a specification. I'll write up a blog post with an approach to a solution and would like you to critique it please.
i don't get the problem, and the example is strange. since when are 'horror movies' vegetarian? do what? filter on two things? eh?
Given that the number of products in an average ecommerce site is very low, you can solve it in a number of ways and do "good enough".
Now, if you are amazon, it's going to be a bit trickier..
Did you have something large scale in mind, or just an average app with 50-100 products?
A trickier version might be 30k products, against an average of 6 filters per query, and a hard response deadline of 30ms..
So by vegetarian you mean everything that is not meat.
Surely you would just select everything that is vegetarian or are you looking for the candidate to only look at the requirements and not what the candidate can read between the lines.
I like the IEnumerable of operations approach as well or why stop there why not provide your own linq provider.
How many days does the test take? I could maybe get a beta out in a week
isn't this 1st year CS course material?
Seems like a good candidate for LINQ.
Here's a first and dirty approach to it (excuse possibles mistakes in my syntax, these are my very first lines on LINQ and your textbox's intellisense is broken :)).
<pre> IEnumerable<Product> FilterByPG13Compliance(IEnumerable<Product> products) { var result = from product in products select where product.RequiredAge <= 13; return result; } IEnumerable<Product> FilterByVegetarianFriendliness(IEnumerable<Product> products) { var result = from product in products select where product.VegetarianFriendly return result; } //main var result = from product in products select product; int i; for (i = 1; i < args.Length; i++) { switch(args[i]) { case "-pg13": result = FilterByPG13Compliance(result); break; case "-vegetarian": result = FilterByVegetarianFriendliness(result); break; ... } } foreach (Product p in result) { Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}",product.Name, product.Price); } </pre>Frans Bouma,
The actual code, sure.
The design, no.
Now imagine that you have 15 of those, how would you scale the problem to handle this?
I would say you should handle the args as IEnumerable.
Lets have a registerfase thats register all args we could handle first.
public interface IFilter<T>
And I loop every item entered from the console. If the process method returns false, i would try this parameter with next filter, if it returns true, i will reiterate the filter list for the next parameter.
Needless to say, I would implement filters for paging , and so.
The problem would be the order of parameters, I mean if person first enters parameter for page, then types the vegetarian, it would be the problem.
Well, I would change the interface to
public interface IFilter<T>
and use something like priority queue.
This would require double-iteration of filters, so it is O(m.n) where m is the number of filters and n is the number of parameters.
Sorry, I was wrong in complexity of the case,
there will be a need for priority queue.
There will be n parameters and m filters.
m*n will be required for iterating and finding the right filter.
n parameter&filter pair will be placed into priority queue, nlogn will be required.
and then they will be popped. O(mn) wasn't right
Assume that there will be 100 filters (very high).
Using the CanExecute, Execute approach, you would have at most 200 iterations.
Since they only add filters, we don't care about that.
Well, I thought you would ask "what if we had 10000 parameters" if i wouldn't care about the complexity(even I cared, I was wrong and can still be wrong)
If we have 1000 parameters, we need a completely different approach
If it is small scale / demo purpose, i would use the Filter thing. But without the Linq and with the CanProcess as bool. Just 'yield' everything, and the processing order depends on the order in the registration list.
For larger scale where you need to make a db query, maybe a i would use a specification. I've used this in my last project after a tip from Ayende on the castle user list :)
Dictionary<string, Action<ProductSpecification>> specModifiers;
specModifiers.Add("vegetarian", spec => spec.Vegetarian = true);
How about a solution using a windows command line batch? :-)
here is the code:
@echo off
if "%echo%" neq "" echo %echo%
set prodGroupSearch=
set vegCodeSearch=
exit /b
The products file looks like this:
Horror Movie;$5.0;pg31;veg#
Btw: I did it TDD. Here are my tests
@echo off
call list_products.bat > out.txt
fc out.txt case1.txt > nul || @echo case1 failed
call list_products.bat -pg13 > out.txt
fc out.txt case2.txt > nul || @echo case2 failed
call list_products.bat -vegetarian >out.txt
fc out.txt case3.txt > nul || @echo case3 failed
call list_products.bat -pg13 -vegetarian >out.txt
fc out.txt case4.txt > nul || @echo case4 failed
The goggles, they do nothing! :-)
That is an unexpected solution, which is utterly unreadable to me,
So, did Ralf pass the test?
Full code, test, and testdata for the dos solution can be found on http://www.filedropper.com/ayendechallenge
Applying some kind of Pipe processing seems nice from design point of view, but when it comes to reading and filtering data, which always comes from relational database I think it is better to let the database do the work, that it supposed to do – find the data, that you need the fastest way.
I don’t accept the argument, that you can’t always use database - even for a sample app with 100 records I would use Sqlite and still have feature a complete database at my disposal.
Reading all data in memory and filtering with line of pipes isn't that feasible to me.
What is wrong doing to most obvious thing like:
public interface IDatabase {
If you want to take this further here a little more code in case my point isn't that clear:
public class Filter {
public class BooleanFilter : Filter {
public class Query {
"The actual code, sure.
The design, no."
argument parsing. The biggest challenge. Argument parsing is error prone.
filtering a set using multiple predicates. erm... if that's hard, one hasn't passed 1st year of a CS course, IMHO.
-> parse every argument into a predicate. The argument parser then builds a predicate expression with these predicates, with solely AND operators. So this is very easy: you simply execute all predicates in the expression. if they all are true, you have a match.
The predicates are simple classes. You simply pass in the object to filter on and you interpret the predicate with the object. This can be done for example by creating Func instances, like the pg age delimiter.
Func<Product, bool> f = p=>(p.Aspects[Aspect.Pg] !=null) && (bool)p.Aspects[Aspect.pg];
the predicate is then simply the Func. The predicate expression is then simply a list of Func<Product, bool> instances. A product is an instance of a Product class which has Aspects, which is a Dictionary<Aspect, object>, so you can store aspects of it inside the product. Otherwise you can't filter on it in a generic way and have to build custom code per type in the set.
You then traverse the complete set from front to back, applying the predicate expression on all products. If the predicate expression returns true, it's a match, otherwise you move on to the next.
The code is actually more challenging than the design. The crucial thing the participant has to realize is that it has to traverse the set by applying a predicate expression. But that's basic database theory.
So the challenge is actually: how to implement this? I therefore disagree that the code is 'simple' and the design isn't. THe design is straight forward, the code has some irritating aspects because you have to parse arguments. This always sucks 8)
Very nice, and what I would strive for in these sort of situations
This is also pipe and filters, but your filter build a query, which fits my definition
Most people would implement this using ifs until the cow comes home.
Choosing an approach that fits the open close principal is what I was aiming at.
I hope this all fits in the post
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Challenge
Interesting that none paid attention to the first requirement:
"listing the first 10 products"
@alex: whoops! :X
Ayende, THEN I would refactor (in fact, if it were a face-to-face interview I would have asked you a few questions to get some insight in what you were expecting from me, but since this is not so fluent, I opted for KISS).
Anyway, I have posted my solution in my blog (it was a little longer and I can format it a little there ;))
I had a quick go with LINQ to SQL. Given the way LINQ to SQL works does the Pipes and Filters Pattern begin to converge with the Specification Pattern in anyone elses mind?
So, did I get the job? :D
SELECT TOP 10 * FROM product WHERE product_id NOT IN (SELECT product_id FROM product_tag WHERE tag_id IN ({tagList}))
You guys are Architecture Astronauts.
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