Welcome to 2008
Well, this weekend I made the jump to 2008, both as my operating system of choice and Visual Studio 2008. This move was perpetuated by ReSharper being mature enough on VS2008 to make me happy, mostly, and by being really happy with testing Windows Server 2008.
Windows 2008 on your laptop, or desktop machine(s)?
Mac OS X with Fusion for Windows 2008 for development
Windows 2008 for desktop
A good resource for making Windows 2008 into a good development environment: http://blogs.msdn.com/vijaysk/archive/2008/02/11/using-windows-server-2008-as-a-super-desktop-os.aspx
Just for info, which version of reshaper do you use on VS2008 ? I had serious issues with 3.1 running on .NET 3.5/VS2008 - I did not use much of new C# syntax, but there were stability/performance issues with VS after installing Reshaper...You use some nightly build or so ?
I am using R# 4.0 EAP 760
Since you're using you MacBook for development with Fusion, have you played at all with mono on the Mac side? I keep meaning to make time, but just keep doing development on the Fusion side targeting windows only.
Also, any footprint comparison you can make between XP and 2008? I'm running XP as my Fusion OS but 2008 looks appealing.
2008 on Fusion hasn't given me any trouble yet.
Haven't played with Mono yet, I am not comfortable on the Mac, so that will have to wait until I am
I have tried R# 4.0 760 and it seems to be working fine now, thanks!
So, how do you find ReSharper 4 nightly builds? :)
Seemless to use, so far
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