A newbie MacBook Pro owner impressions

time to read 2 min | 322 words

A couple of days ago my MacBook Pro has arrived. I didn't have much chance to play with it until today, but right now I am trying to see how compatible we really are. I haven't really ever used a Mac (short demo sessions on other people's doesn't count) so it is an interesting experience.

I can tell you right now that my biggest worry, the keyboard layout / shortcuts, is probably going to be fine, since I seem to be getting the hang of it without too much problem.

However, I am literally a newbie at this, and it is very hard to get back to this stage. I am going to detail some of the stuff that I run into, hopefully I'll get some more information as I go along.

Safari - It kills me how it and Gmail interacts. To be rather exact, it kills me that it doesn't consider buttons to be a valid target for <Tab>. I'll probably try FireFox, but I want to try it out first.

  • I am writing this in Etco, and it seems like a reasonable application, very comparable to Live Writer, although with a completely different UI.
  • It took me a long time to figure out Command+Tab vs. Command + `, and it doesn't help that it seems like all the Mac application open new windows like mad.
  • Close window vs. Close Application - that is strange.
  • Getting used to Command, Option, Ctrl, Alt - Oh my God, that is too much.
  • There are not context menus that I could find. It took forever to find out how you can do spell checking.
  • Can't find a way to use the keyboard to access the application menu (Alt+F, in Windows).

Overall, I finding that it is obvious that I can like it, but the start seems to be tough. Just the scroll by moving two fingers is a delight.