After writing my own "XML Parser", SOAP Stack was the obvious next target
Okay, this left really bad taste in my mouth. I had to do SOAP based called today using:
- WebRequest.Create()
- Handle the correct SOAP Action.
- Construct the request using string concatenation.
- Manually parse the result using XmlDocument and xpath.
I thought that the whole point of using web services was to avoid this bloody nonsense stuff.
Hm, how did you approach it in the first place? What were your actual problems with the technologies/stacks in place?
Do you realize that you can process all your SOAP request/replies using the .NET remoting APIs?
Making a web service call, I can see information coming back on the wire, but I am unable to receive it from the return value.
If ASMX and WCF doesn't work, I have a feeling that neither will remoting.
Why not just override GetWebResponse on the proxy?
C'mon: that happens all the time :) But no reason to give up, honestly...
I still have the feeling you did too much work for this.
Why are you farting around at the wire level when SVN has a well defined, stable, and well documented repository plugin API?
Actually, I am not hitting SVN for this silly thing.
And the reason that I am playing at the wire level, is that I am writing SvnBridge, a SVN Server.
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