Syntax highlighting controls
How hard can it be to display colored text on the screnn? Pretty damned hard, if you want to use open sourced software to do this. I've posted before on this issue, and I still can't get a definate answer for this.
Apperantly, there are two candidates for IDE like color highlighting:
- Scintilla.Net
- ICSharpCode.TextEditor
The first is what I want to use, but I can't get it to work as I want (just to color HQL/XML/SQL properly, with some intelli sense later on), because of the total lack of documentation in this project. :-(
The second is GPL (which I don't want to use), and further more, it's doesn't support word-wrapping, which I consider mandatory. :-(
Any suggestions? If someone out there has any info on how to use Scintilla, I would be very grateful.
[Update: I forgot to set the post's title, fixed that now. Sorry for the URL change.]
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