The dark side of errors
I just run into this one, and it completes very nicely my previous post about good errors.
Can you figure out what the problem is? I know what the Western Regional Power Committee is doing in my application, but that exception is the epithom of bad error messages, the only thing that tops it is code that calls System.Environment.FailFast("bye!"), which cause an ExecutionEngineException.
The root cause of this error message? A missing referrer header. But you really don't want to know how I got to that explanation.
"System Error." is the exception I got for missing account number in Dynamics GP.
You haven't seen a error message until you've seen Great Plains. Here it is:
Yup, that's all you get. This was in an older version and basically meant that the Great Pains (as we called it) database was damaged. Any time a customer mentioned FERRARI, anyone doing support at Great Pains knew exactly what had gone wrong, but virtually guaranteed that the customer would have no idea what went wrong until they were carefully nestled into the bosom of the support system.
Am I the only person that finds that the error messages generated by the Microsoft programming apps completely unintelligible ?
Half the battle these days seems to be understanding the error messages produced by your chosen development environment than actually designing the application logic or user interface.
Half? Fat Fingers you surely under estimate :P If its half people don't gain so much productivity from Ruby on Rails.
I figured it out...
It always starts there.
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