
time to read 2 min | 240 words

TestDriven.Net is finally working!
Jamie Cansdale sat with me through Messanger for quite a while before we managed to make it work, but now I can use it to run tests.
The experiance is so much better then running the command line... :-)

Highly recommended, and you won't get better support anywhere.

The problem was one of those strange stuff that you won't find anywhere else:
I could install as admin, and it would work, only as long as I used it as admin.
I couldn't use it as a nomral user (my usualy mode of operation).
I couldn't install it as user, even though it is a supported option, it kept complaining that I already had it installed.
Fast forward a bit, and you see me and Jamie trying everything from Regmon to Filemon to DebugView to find out what it was searching.
Finally we discovered that I previously installed NUnitAddIn (the former name of the TestDriven.Net package) on my user, and that was the problem.
Attempting to uninstall it require the msi file for this installation, yuck!
Fast forward again, get Windows Installer Cleanup Utilitity (AKA MsiZap) find out that it only work for administrators.
Then attempt to get the old msi file from Source Forge, uninstall the package, install TestDriven.Net, open Visual Stuido.Net.

[Listening to: She Drives Me Crazy - Fine Young Cannibals - (03:36)]