Future of MbUnit
Apparently Jonathan decided to pass the maintenance and development of MbUnit to Jamie Cansdale, listing lack of time to dedicate to this (wonderful, useful, amazingly valuable) tool.
This comes shortly after this discussion (look at the comments).
I do not know if TestDriven.Net and MbUnit are open source. Both were, at one point, but the MbUnit source vanished shortly after it joined with TestDriven.Net. I IM'ed Jamie shortly after the move, and they were certainly planning to release the source. But that was several months ago, and no source is forthcoming.
I personally think that MbUnit and TestDriven.Net are the best productivity tools that I've ever used. As a testing framework MbUnit allows me to declaratively express intents that would take quite a bit to write as code in other frameworks. And TestDriven.Net is without compare in the ease of use and integration into the IDE.
I don't usually mind that I don't have the source (unless I have a problem) but the last time these tools were updated was 30 December, 2004. I would really like to see them continue to improve. And right now their future seems uncertain. Jonathan announcement is the first post from him in three months, and Jamie hasn't post anything in nearly as much time.
In this case, I fear, the silence in ominous.
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