Scaling ALT.Net Concepts
I am having a lovely discussion with Casey (and others, of course) in the comments, I suggest that you would check it out, but I wanted to reply to this comment from him:
This started at ALT.Net and the Enterprise ... where you wondered why these things are believed not to scale up to (for example) 100 developers. I suggested the reason was that the great majority of those developers were 'body count', hence you had to let the overall team take the common approach (which I referred to as simple).
In that case, no these 'revolutionary' things won't scale, because you are hiring from a pool of developers that grew up with drag, drop, VB6, WebForms and Intellisence. So your options are: train 90 developers to use better techniques (while paying them) or use the things they are comfortable with and get some kind of result.
Managers will almost always pick the second. As a technical person, I asked you how you could convince them to take a better approach, without using any technical terminology.
"some kind of result" also include a steaming pile of fresh fertilizer, you realize. And explaining to management that they are going to set 90 developers loose, without any organization except the least common denominator is not a position that I ever want to be in. Nor do I intend to have seminars about OO or IoC, that is not productive unless you have good audience, and the way Casey portrayed those developers... they are not good audience.
Nevertheless, Casey is missing the third approach, on job training. What do I mean by that?
If I am going to have a project that have hundred(s) of developers, I am going to have to ensure some sort of a structure. I don't think that anyone can argue over that. Part of this is the solution structure, basic architecture, etc. When we do that, we lay down the basic principals of how we are going to work, and then pass it to the rest of the developers.
I don't really like this approach, it smacks too much of the architect in the ivory tower, and I would rather try something else, but let us go with the assumptions. So, we break down the types of tasks that we need to handle in the application (create a handler for remote action, build a web page, etc), and then setup a list of steps that needs to be taken in order to make it happen. We also supply several completed tasks of each type for reference (and copy/paste, sigh).
The design goals under those circumstances are to make it simple to build business functionality, and push all non business functionality to the framework. Under normal circumstances, the developers should not be aware of any of the "advance" stuff. They should be encouraged to show interest, and understand the entire stack, but they don't have to.
The end result is that you get them into the habit of writing good code, and it grows on them. Code reviews serve as a way to direct them toward maintainable code, especially if you are doing it live, so they can see how the code become simpler.
I am not talking gospel here, this is what I am facing at my current project right now. Using this method, we get significant improvement in the team efficiency, we get readable, maintainable code, and we get propagation of good habits. As an example, here is a piece of code that one of the my team mates has written, I run a SVN Blame on it, and he is the only one that touched it. I haven't reviewed it yet, obviously, otherwise I would have told him to put the missing public in its place, like it is supposed to be.
[Handles(CrmOperations.PostCreate)] class OnCreateDeathProcess_CreateUpdateSupervisorsTask : DeathCommand { public override void Execute() { if (IsDeathProcess == false) { return; } task updateSupervisors = new task(); updateSupervisors.subject = Resources.UpdateSupervisorsOnDeathProcess; updateSupervisors.ownerid = GetEmployeeManager(); updateSupervisors.scheduledend = ToExecuteImmediately; updateSupervisors.regardingobjectid = new Lookup(EntityName.wbs_employee,
PostState.wbs_employeeprocesstoemployee.Value); Create(updateSupervisors); } }
Just thinking about it, this example uses WCF, IoC, ASMX Web Services, etc. But you would be hard pressed to find any of them exposed in this example, or in 99% of the rest of the business facing code base.
I just did a scan of the code base, most of the classes that we have are 1Kb - 3Kb in size (sorry, no line counts, I did it in explorer), and the biggest class that I have is 5Kb and has ~290 lines of code, it is also the base class for a lot of functionality, so it contains a lot of helper methods and similar functionality.
Not everything is golden, obvious. A brief scan of the code base found me this:
wbs_serviceorder serviceOrder = Crm.Retrieve<wbs_serviceorder>(serviceOrderGuid); if (serviceOrder.wbs_serviceordermanningcount == null) { serviceOrder.wbs_serviceordermanningcount = new CrmNumber(); serviceOrder.wbs_serviceordermanningcount.Value = 1; } else { serviceOrder.wbs_serviceordermanningcount.Value++; }
This annoys me because it means that I didn't explain stuff properly, this could be written like this:
wbs_serviceorder serviceOrder = Crm.Retrieve<wbs_serviceorder>(serviceOrderGuid); serviceOrder.wbs_serviceordermanningcount = (serviceOrder.wbs_serviceordermanningcount ?? 0); serviceOrder.wbs_serviceordermanningcount.Value += 1;
But those are fairly minor issues, and easily fixed.
So, again, I have a team that doesn't know about anything about all those 'revolutionary' notions, but they are using it every day, we are gaining tremendous amount of value out of it and we produce maintainable code, one that we can work with in a year from now, which we know we will have to do.
So yes, I firmly believe that those ideas can most certainly scale.
There's a professional honesty question here as well.
As professionals, they (customers, business folks, management, executives) trust and expect us to constantly practice our art and better ourselves.
If we're just towing the line and not really doing anything to advance the state of the art, we're really doing a disservice to our customers. It's tantamount to stealing. We're just doing the easiest, laziest thing that gets it done and maintenance and future cost be damned!
We have an obligation as professionals to try to do the best thing for the customer which means practicing the art and not settling for what gets the job done today. Bubble gum and duct tape will solve most problems for a few days, but they don't last. We need to build lasting, maintainable solutions. It may be hard, it may be complicated, it may involve some discomfort for junior or lightweight developers, but there should be professional shame involved if you're not actively participating in the community and striving for excellence and learning from your mistakes.
Oren, the "on the job training" as your third approach I mentioned as my second "train 90 developers to use better techniques (while paying them) "
The reality in an enterprise situation is, that just isn't an option. You have a massive historical legacy to fight, at all levels of managemnt, at all levels of finance, at all levels of the user base. They are all fighting against you,because humans by their very nature are cautious and wary of new things.
Having been in this situation in my last role, where as the architect my job was to convince the organisation to use better techniques for a massive enterprise project, I can assure you it is near impossible.
And when you do make some progress (by delivering a number of high quality prototype systems in record breaking time), you then have to deal with Microsoft, IBM, and third part yconsulting companies coming along and claiming they can outsource the whole thing at a much lower cost than your internal teams will cost, and they can guarantee you don;t need expert developers.
In this case the organisation was promised massive savings, delivery in a very short (comparitivly) timescale, and an industry standard solution. It involved a lot of Mort developes dragging and dropping within an off the shelf workflow system (for the most part), linking services into WebSphere. WebSphere would be delivered as a black box product, with all services for all systems enterprise wide.
The realty is, it will never work.
The reality is also that it won't be seen to have failed for at least a year (despite delivery dates long before then). It also will be covered up by the management that bought it for at least a year beyond that to allow them to move to another organisation first.
The 'enterprise' system is too complex to allow failure to be detected early (as it would be with Agile approaches), and by the time is is realised, it is too late to stop.
That organisation will, in a few years, realise their whole IT strategy (which depended on the promises of 3 consultancies), doesn't exist. And then they will repeat the process, because they were in exactly that position already from the last consultancies that promised the same and still haven't delivered.
I think it was put best in the film Armageddon... "You know we're sitting on four million pounds of fuel, one nuclear weapon and a thing that has 270,000 moving parts built by the lowest bidder. Makes you feel good, doesn't it? "
That is the reality of most enterprise projects I have encountered.
No, it is not.
Again, talking about the type of developer that you portray and thinking of them in the body count term. I wouldn't try to train them on the job. I would set down the rules and standards for working on this project. Direct exposure to good practices leads to good practices.
I think that the main difference is that I am not even going to try to train most of them up front. I will do an architecture overview and show them how we approach stuff, but that about it. What I call OJT is what they will learn while _perfomring tasks that translate to business value_. I am talking about putting them in an environment where the easiest thing to do is produce good code.
My approach says, let them start working, right now, here are the samples, here are the tasks, now go and make merry. No wasted time.
If they could do it, and devliver actual value, great! That would be in the client's best interests, no?
But the arguments against it are well known, quality control, responsability and responsiveness among them.
That is the client's own fault, frankly. If they do stupid things, bad stuff happens.If they don't learn from their mistakes, they deserve to pay.
Is client education something that I should be concerned about?
Maybe, if I am trying to selll my services (and I am a lousy sellsman), but I think that I have already re-iterated the arguments for this approach enough.
Better ask for forgiveness than permission :-)
That is a good way to go about it in many cases. (Yeah, I know about cowboy coders and cowboy architects, bear with me)
Allow me to apologize in advance, I am going to use marketing speak here.
You can say to the org:
We are going to build a enterprise platform based on the best new stuff, IoC, MVC, OR/M, TLD, XYZ, ETC. I will really make us work faster, honest!
Or you can say:
Since this is a massive project, I intend to sit with the team leads and work out a viable architecture for the application, this architecture will ensure both that we get a maintainable product and, at the same time, we can finish our tasks faster. The main idea is to have the architecture directly support the business concerns that we need to handle and simplify as much as possible the work of the developers in the trenches.
This means that we are going to have a complex foundation, because we are dealing with a complex application and a complex domain, that will be very simple work with, since it aggregate and hide all the complexity.
I acknowledge in advance that not all developers are equals, so maintaining this core piece is going to require good people, but maintaining / developing the rest of the application can be done by any average joe programmer, after a few days of aquinting themselves with the code base.
Of course, we can go with XYZ's suggestion of a graphical tool that would allow our developers to drag & drop boxes and arrows around. But if I wanted my developers to do that, I would rather buy them photoshop (it is even cheaper). We are all familiar with the success of such tools in the past, they demo very well, and they even work, for the simplest of scenarios.
But they usually have severe problems in the areas of maintainability, handling complex tasks, deployment, control, etc.
Slightly off topic, but how exactly, does this work?
This reads like: If the wbs_serviceordermanningcount property of serviceOrder is not null, assign it to itself, otherwerise assign 0. But shouldn't the "0" be "new CrmNumber()" and isn't the self assignment kinda superfluous (don't know yet if it gets optimized away in the IL).
I would prefer the code above, probably slightly modified (assuming CrmNumber.Value defaults to 0):
Looks like wbs_serviceorder should have an IncreaseServiceManningCount() method or at least initialize wbs_serviceordermanningcount with a default CrmNumber of value 0. But I must confess, that I have absolutely no idea, how this Microsoft CRM thing works at all :-)
serviceOrder is a web service proxy class, the only way you get to interact with the CRM.
CrmNumber is also something that is generated by the web service proxy.
I am extending that with partial classes, so I have support of implicit operators, among many other things.
Ok, time to feel stupid - implicity operators - I see and use them so rarely, that I don't recognize them when one jumps into my face :(
I still don't like the use of the null coalescing operator her, maybe just a matter of taste.
I think I understand where you are coming from. I wanted to apologize for my smart remarks earlier; it is bad form for me to label the majority as "lesser programmers" just because they take more time to adapt.
I would like to share a story with you:
There was this big company, with a team of very clever programmers. They were wizards with C++, most of them had been programming since the 70s, and .NET was new to them and the management. What do you do when .NET is new and the company refuses to pay for training? You learn by the basic examples bundled with visual studio.
Do you remember the first time you saw the datagrid wizard, how you could drag and drop tables into a strongly typed datasets, and you had your app up and running in seconds? There are some many of these examples.
They were led to believe this was the best practice for developing in .NET. One thing about datasets: they bring the relational data directly into the object realm. Writing all of your business logic around datasets in .NET is not unlike writing all of your business logic in stored procedures: you are working with tables, not objects. Nonetheless, they rolled their own persistence framework, sql generators, it was clever, and it worked. It was like NHibernate for datasets, and it was not pretty.
I arrived, I looked at their code for the first time, and I got a migraine headache. What to do? I can recommend to rewrite most of the application, but they will not listen: they became skilled artists with the dataset. They were insulted by my criticism. NHibernate/windsor is not bundled with visual studio, it has no wizard, it is not worth considering.
Time passed by, and an alpha release was presented to the client. The UI was confusing, everything was a datagrid, and it was almost impossible to run the application without strange relational exceptions popping up. How embarrassing to present this to the client!
Finally, they were open to learning about NHibernate. They caught on quickly and naturally. We had a good laugh about datasets, and they are now learning things like MVC and IoC. They felt like they were bamboozled by microsoft's recommended best practices.
The thing is, when you get eclipse, you get an IDE.
When you get visual studio, you get IDE that is bundled with an extremely rich framework.
The framework is so rich that people assume it is the one and only framework you will ever need. Their idea of learning new technology is reading the start page on visual studio before they open a project.
So now, is anything that doesnt come bundled with visual studio considered "ALT"?
Having been in this situation in my last role, where as the architect my job was to convince the organisation to use better techniques for a massive enterprise project, I can assure you it is near impossible.
You've had one bad experience trying to sell better techniques to an organization and yet you come to the conclusion that it is "near impossible" to sell better techniques in any organization.
Casey, I'll be honest with you, that's just not true. There are serveral job openings in my area looking for people with NHibernate experience and these aren't small companies. These are global companies that are building sellable products with NHibernate and other .NET OSS offerings. Also, I've been able to sell the benefits of using MonoRail / ActiveRecord to my company and now our global customer portal is built on top of it.
In reality, if it was "near impossible" to convince organizations to use better techniques, there would not be any better techniques to use and we'd still be programming with punch cards. Problems change, better techniques are created to better solve those changing problems, and judging by the evolution of our industry, organizations are adopting them.
Just think back...
I remember, personally, having to convince others on the benefits of the .NET Framework, of C#, and of ASP.NET.
There was a time when people had to be convinced on the benefits of C++ and OOP.
There was a time when organizations had to be convinced that the internet was the future of business.
A lot of the techinques and technologies that you would consider run-of-the-mill and take foregranted, simple would not be here today, if it was "near impossible" to convince organizations that they were better techinques / technologies than before and that they should use them.
Not one experience, many many many ... I've had many small successes along the way, but wholesale adoption has no benefit to most organisations - maintainability is something the next manager or director will have to worry about. This one has to worry about budget for this year.
Also remeber I contrasted this with the Java world where this discussion started. In the Java world these things aren't considered ALT.Java, because for the large part, they are the norm ... design patterns, rails, ORM, IoC, unit testing ... all Java concepts introduced to .NET as ALT.NET ... because in Java they are just done that way on almost every project.
Pete w sees the issue, Java developers don't rely on Visual Studio, because in the Java world you may be asked to use any one of 10 different IDEs, and any one of a dozen different frameworks ... a .NET developer can make a (very good) living just dragging and dropping
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