Heinlein - Specialization is for Insects
Note: It is 4:16AM and I am still awake, but I really want to sleep. Can't manage it.
The tag line of the blog is "Specialization is for Insects", taken from Heinlein's Time Enough For Love, the full quote is:
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
Look at it, I think that I can measure myself:
- Change a diaper - Done
- Plan an invasion - if it is an invasion to a prison, I am your man, otherwise, the knowledge is theoretical.
- Butcher a hog - Does a chicken count? I was an assistant butcher about twelve years ago. After a while, I felt like a chicken gynecologist.
- Conn a ship - Only if it is directly to the rocks.
- Design a building - Got to sit down for that one as well.
- Write a sonnet - but only a bad one.
- Balance Accounts - Done
- Build a wall - I can also paint it, lay a roof and floor and I am a wizz with removing walls.
- Set a bone - Put it under maybe, the only chance I had was mine, and I mostly cried at the time.
- Comfort the dying - Pass
- Take orders - Done
- Give orders - Done
- Cooperate - Done
- Act Alone - Done
- Solve Equations - Not recently, and I wouldn't want to do it at gun point, but done.
- Analyze a new problem - Yes
- Pitch manure - Done, and no further comment
- Program a computer - Obvious, isn't it?
- Cook a tasty meal - I simply adore my onion & garlic omelette, with a side of cream - yummy.
- Fight efficiently - Hm, I want to say yes, but I never profiled it.
- Die gallantly - ask me again in a century or two
You know what would go good with that? A nice greens salad :)
Perhaps he meant class HumanBeing is contains all those methods? But certainly the expected behaviors in a given instance is determined by a host of properties, the values of which vary greatly with from one to another.
Then again, I would hope that some of these methods are not exposed in the base class. For example DesignABuilding should only be exposed in subclass Architect -- at least when I comes to the building I'm currently work in.
Mixins, not subclasses.
Just to add that Heinlein is one of my preferred authors, and that Time Enough For Love is probably my preferred book ever.
I can really appreciate that quote. Thanks for the explanation.
Agree. Humans acquire specialization through learning, so composition is a better metaphor than inheritance. :)
All these things are easy for Lazarus Long, as he has a bit more time to practice than most of us are allotted.
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